After the Wicked Weekend! We are back and boy did we have fun! We got to Denver around 8:30pm because our plane was late and rushed to the Colorado Rockies Game. When we got there we pulled into the MVP lot to ask the attendant where we could park. When we told him we were from out of state, he told us to pull in the back and he wouldn't even charge us! Nice little man! We got our tickets from an insurance broker that Mike's company uses and the seats ended up being on the 11th row by 3rd base! We were right there and had 2 foul balls come right at us! It was really fun, although the girls were only really interested in getting some dippin' dots.
This is the bullpen. Very serene, isn't it? Really pretty stadium....I did rotate this picture once...I don't know why it didn't save...
Saturday we went to Elitch Gardens, formerly Six Flags. It wasn't great, but the girls had fun. It only took Mike and I one ride until we felt sick. We just don't do well with the whole motion sickness thing. Mine lasted so long that we finally decided I had a tummy bug. So, after the girls had done what they wanted to at the park, we went back to the hotel so they could swim. I took a nap!
Mike and Amanda right in the middle on the swings. This ride made Mikey sick!

This ride made Jill sick! Then we all went on the 'Tidal Wave' type ride. That was dumb because it did Mike and Jill in.......blaggggggggh
When I woke up, we went to Miagianno's for dinner (which I didn't eat) and then off to 'WICKED' Our seats were awesome! Sixth row right in the middle! The girls loved it. Amanda has seen it before, but this was Sydney's first time. She was mesmerized! Both were especially excited when streamers came down from the ceiling into their laps. We had to bring it all the way home and they decorated their room with it! One funny moment was during intermission, Sydney needed to go to the bathroom. Well, of course as all ladies know, when we got to the restroom there was a line. She was basically in tears saying she had to pee so bad (no one offered to give up their spot). An announcement came over that it was curtain call and to return to your seats so you didn't get locked out until the next break. All these women left and Sydney started worrying that she was going to miss the show and she didn't want to miss. I told her, just wait a second. Pretty soon, we were able to walk right into a stall! She took care of business and we still made it in plenty of time before the show started! Thanks to the the higher power (the woman on the speaker) who cleared the bathroom line for us!
This is some artsy thing by the theatre. While we were waiting, Mike and the girls went to see it. You can just make them out at the bottom foot. Mike is in a white shirt and you can see Sydney's dark pants. Amanda is right behind Sydney.

My cute dates after the show. Mike took the girls up to see the orchestra pit and talked to a few musicians. What a fun night!
Now, anyone that knows us, knows that we always have a problem with almost missing our plane! Not because of lack of planning, we just have bad luck. We left in plenty of time Sunday morning to catch the plane. We even debated stopping for breakfast, but thought we better just eat at the airport knowing our history! Well, we get to the airport with just about an hour to spare, until.....we get to security! We were in that line for an hour! We had to RUN to make the plane. We were on Southwest, so by the time we boarded there were NO seats together. Luckily a few people moved into the middle seats and I could at least sit behind Sydney. Amanda sat between two funny ladies who were drinking (Amanda said she thought it was water), and Mike sat a few rows behind us. Luckily to save face, we weren't the last ones on (at least this time!).
So, a really fun weekend! Thanks to Kellie and Scott for watching Brandon. I'm so glad he was good for you! Thanks to Mom and Dad for watching Mater. I'm sorry he was so bad for you! Thanks to Mikey for always making sure we do fun things that leave lasting memories!
1 comment:
Sounds like you guys had a great time! The baseball game and theme park looked like fun too-although if you're prone to motion sickness you ought to sit the "tea cups" out, those are a sure fire way to get sick :) Just teasing!
Anyway, glad you guys had fun and that the girls liked Wicked.
Hope to see you guys sometime this summer to join in on all the fun!
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