Monday, April 4, 2016

Amanda and homecoming 2K15

Cute Amanda was asked to homecoming by wardie, Nate Norton.  She picked a cute dress from Nordys we actually did her hair this time!  Camie Mendoza did her make-up.  And we love when she gets her nails done. 
 Sydney was in a silly mood!  Not sure why she wanted to have Amanda do this with her :)

 Then, Sydney gave her hair the once over before Nate got there....

 Nice to have your little sister there to help you out!
 Here's Mike helping Nate get  his flower straight!

 These two grew up together so it was nice to know they would have a great time without any nervousness or awkwardness!

 And, they went with all the neighborhood boys!  Jake, with his eyes closed...I think Boston peering over the seat...

She had a great time! Boston's mom put together a cd with all the pictures they took beforehand....but I haven't downloaded it.  If I do, I'll update this post!