Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Sunday!

A beautiful morning and the kids even let us sleep in until about 8am! We had a nice, calm morning. A neat day at church....except for one event which I will explain after this Sunday....and a great ham dinner! I don't remember making ham for dinner before, but it turned out great! We then headed to Salt Lake to visit both sets of Grandparents!

No eating PEEPS! in the car again this year!
Lots of treats and new pjs for summer (it would be nice to get a little warm weather!)

Wow! Justin Bieber nail polish! Ninja Zhu Zhu pets! Thank you Easter Bunny!

Our cute boys! Love that Brandon's shirt is already untucked before we even got to church! They look so handsome in their matching ties!

The loves of my life!

Ok, there is a great picture! And the sun was out!

Brandon giving the sisters squishy hugs!

We love our kids!

Mtn. Vistas Eggheads

Sydney with Halli Davis checking every last spot for eggs!
Our annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt has, for the past few years, been freezing! April is turning out to be a really wet, snowy month.

Amanda is sad about this....actually, this is what friend-drama looks like and we see it every other day :) But, that's girls for you.....

Here is B with some of his friends getting ready to run!

It was a good time, short but sweet, and then we were on to a busy Saturday! We wanted to do yardwork, but it was way to wet and cold for that. Mike and I just got some new bedroom furniture, so we brought that in (we had it delivered to the garage since we weren't ready to move in yet) and we took the Mac downtown for repair to our iTunes again! While we were waiting for the techy guy to 'start over', we got some sushi as Happy Sumo (yum!) and enjoyed our little date. None of the kids wanted to come with us-so this is what they miss! We then went to the furniture place and picked up a new mattress for Brandon (his old one was awful to sleep on if you are older than 3) and headed home.

I took Amanda out shopping for last minute Easter Sunday items. I got Mike & B matching ties this year. B picked them out and was soooo excited about it. But, he needed a white shirt, so that they would be matchy matchy. Amanda needed shoes and tights and I had nothing at all.

While we were out shopping, Elise was texting and wanting Mike & me to go to dinner with them! We probably should have stayed home or gone down to pick up our computer, but it's hard to resist dinner with the Jensens!

Amanda and I headed home and then Mike & I left again! We had a great time with Darin & Elise at dinner and of course, stayed long past the time we had finished eating...until the place closed! When we got home, we still needed to color Easter eggs and all the kids were awake and ready to get busy even though it was 10:30!

Yea! Time to color!

Every year it seems we are doing our coloring late at night! I hate that it has become such an afterthought...something that we can't quite get to, instead of building the anticipation slowly.

Maybe next year we will have to do it on Friday night or right after the neighborhood egg hunt

This boy doesn't seem to mind, though! We also tried to do something special each day of this last week to remember Christ. We did great on Sunday and Monday, but then Mike was out of town until Wednesday and after that, we totally lost focus. I will do much better on this next year also.....mark my words...or at least remind me of my words!

Much Ado About Amanda

It's hard for us to handle that Amanda is almost done with the 6th grade! But she is, and the fun is revving up as we head toward the end of school! Amanda's class along with one other class put on the Shakespeare play 'Much Ado about Nothing' last Thursday night.

Here she is with Brinley in their Jester costumes. Brinley had a mishap with the make-up. It was purple, but after putting it on, she felt it burning her skin. She quickly got it off, but was dyed pink for a couple of days! Luckily, Amanda had only used that make-up for some swirlies on her face and it came right off!

They have been working on the play since before Christmas. They had try-outs and Amanda ended up as a Narrator. They had to memorize all their lines. Can I tell you? They all did such a Great Job! The only complaint was that the gym is a horrible place to try and hear the kids. They, of course, don't have great mics and so we missed a lot of dialogue. But, you could hear that they kids knew their lines and delivered them really well!

I couldn't get a good shot of Amanda during her speaking parts, but she was amazing! We are so proud of you, Amanda!

Our cute grandparents made the drive to Kaysville to support Amanda! We then came back to our house for some banana splits to celebrate!

We love you!

Amanda is giving her curtain call along with her Narrator co-horts! Bravo!

I'm back!

Oh ya, back to the land of the living. I don't usually get sick. But, boy, this one put me down!

Now to play catch-up.....

We had the Arvy family Easter party the week before Easter. So much fun to get together and it doesn't happen as much anymore. Everyone is busy with older kids or little kids and we are never in the same place. We are always happy when there is a party and we are all in the same place at the same time! This Easter Egg hunt has been going on for a few years. Mike's parents are so cute about putting it together, decorating, generously giving the kids extra treats and making sure the parents get a little treat.

We bring 10 eggs each per child and the Dads are in charge of hiding the eggs. Then the hunt gets divided into age groups, so that it's fair for the littler Arvy's. Grandma and Grandpa give them an extra big egg (which has some $ and makes them so excited!) and other 'baskets' they get to visit which hold more treats for them.

We get to see which of our children knows how to count....they empty their baskets and usually a few eggs that got snapped up in the excitement, return to the lawn and another child gets to complete their hunt!

Amanda may be getting older, but she still loves the hunt! Don't you, pretty girl?

Most of all , the kids love to be with their cousins! There is a bond that continues to be strong even though our visits seem to be few and far between. This is quite a group, but only 4 of the 6 families are here. Cute Kaili is the oldest here at 16! (That is crazy! She is such a pretty girl) and the youngest are the boy twins...Gordon & Spencer who are almost 2 years (I think)!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Arvy Easter Party-maybe

Ok, here is a tease on what I'll blog next....but, right after I loaded this picture I got so tired I have to lay down! I have strep throat. But, I'll tell you...this is the worst I have ever had it. I felt yucky on Sunday and by Monday morning, my throat/glands were so swollen that I looked like a linebacker! I kept waking up that night gasping for air-so it was pretty bad. Monday morning, Mike told me I should go to the doc, and after waiting for 2 hours I was told it is strep. So, I got the shot, cancelled all piano lessons that day and ended up sleeping most of the day. Tuesday, I did teach and did laundry and tried to do more, but still not at 100% and today, I have achy legs again and am sooo tired! I guess when you get older, strep takes more out of you, but goodness! So, I'll sign off and hope to get back to blog soon....

Soccer has started!

Well, rec soccer has started back up. Amanda's comp team is a year-round deal, but has also stepped the up the practices and games, too.
Brandon is doing well on his team. He seems to understand the game more. I'm sure if Mike, Amanda or I got out and practiced with him, he would do even better, but it's a time thing, as usual.

This is Amanda's soccer schedule right now:

Monday-comp game

Tuesday-comp practice

Wednesday-comp practice

Thursday-rec practice

Friday-comp practice

Saturday-rec and comp games

She's doing great and is really enjoying her comp team this year.

She is still enjoying her ballet and jazz classes and YW. She is still super busy, but is handling it all really well!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh yes, there's more!

We did a little shopping while in St. George. Not as much as usual. But, the kids needed shoes. We found Brandon some new shoes, but he loved these 'van-type' shoes so much he asked me to take a picture of them before I threw them away! A moment of silence, please....

So, Thursday morning, I took Mike to the airport early so he could go back home to work. We hadn't been to the new airport yet and it is waaayy out there! The road basically ends and you have to go to the airport. The airport itself is really nice. Way to go, St. George!

After everyone else got up and going, we decided to head to Spencer & Tyra's pool again because the bad weather was going to roll in that afternoon. We got everyone ready, headed over there and couldn't find the Joneses. Just as we were giving up and starting to leave, they pulled up in a Ranger they had rented to go 4-wheeling behind our place. Glad that the prep wasn't wasted, we spent a little time at the pool and left when the clouds and the wind picked up.

Jensens set off shopping and the kids and I went to visit Bud & Kay! We love Bud & Kay and it was a great visit. We found out that they are temple workers in the baptistry and were working on Saturday. The Jensens had suggested we go to the Temple while in St. George and so Mike & I had packed clothes to do that. Since Mike was home, I asked him to bring Amanda's baptism temple recommend back with him. More on this later.....

We met the Jensens at the movie 'Hop' after visiting the Flowers. We were about 10 minutes late, but it wasn't hard to catch up and the kids loved it. After the show, we ran into the Woods again and then Hendricks! Amanda then went to hang out for the night with Brynna Jones. They get to play/hang usually a couple of times in the summer and they have a good time. It was fun for Amanda to have some girls her age there.

Just before the movie, I got a phone call from Mike. He was home and we had a problem! The irrigation water was turned on that day and we had spouts opened in the yard. Someone had turned off our front spout, but there was one on in the back and it had filled 3 window wells and broken one window; spilling that lovely water into our basement!

It took Mike about 2 hours to get the flow of water to stop coming in the house. Luckily, we have a wet/dry vac and a portable sump-type pump or this would have been even worse. Also, the blessing of not having the basement finished yet! The water did reach the bottom of the stairs and soaked that carpet and it did get the 'rug' we have laid out for the kids to play on wet as well as some toys, but overall, the damage was minimal. It took Mike about another 3 hours to get the mess cleaned up, but thank goodness he came home to work for a couple of days! If not, the water would have been filling our house for 4 days straight!

Mike spent most of Friday morning trying to get the window replaced before he got on a plane to come back to St. George. After a new $205 window, he was ready to go to work for a bit and then head south!!

Friday, we took the kids to the Washington County rec center. We haven't been to this pool before, but it was awesome! The kids loved it! We ran into more neighbors, the Norton's kids with their grandparents, Clingers and the Foukas'. When it was time to go, Darin took the boys into get changed and then to the rock climbing wall! Elise said they have some pictures for me, but Brandon made it to the top at least once and almost another time. He was really excited! That is a fun place and I'm sure we'll visit again.

I took the kids with me to pick up Mike. His plane was a little late, but we were glad to have him back! Elise & Darin got the kids McD's and then we all headed out to sushi! We tried a new place, Osaka. We were laughing because as we walked in, you could see many empty tables, but the wait was 10 minutes. After we came in, about 5 more people came in and when the girl told them the wait was close to 30 minutes, they left! Interesting way to run a restaurant, but we decided to try it. It was so good! We stayed for a long time. You could tell we all needed some parent alone time. We love the kids, but to have this little break was fun fun. Jensens are our sushi friends and we always have a good time when we are with them!

Saturday morning, Darin & Elise rode their bikes in the Tour de St. George. It was freezing! Part of the race was closed because of SNOW! Mike acted as their support; dropping them off and picking them up.

Mike & I then took Amand shopping to get a dress for the temple. She was too tired and it was quite an adventure, but she walked out with two darling dresses and Mike found a white shirt for the temple, plus another dress shirt. As we were walking through the mall, we saw a kiosk with Steph Read's picture on it ( a friend from high school). I was telling Mike that I'd heard Deborah Schone and her hubby now had this company....Life Strength or something like that. Those ion bracelets that are supposed to improve your health. I guess Steph has MS. She is a trooper! As we walked by, we saw Deborah! So, we chatted for awhile and met her daughter who was working the kiosk. We both like Deborah a lot and it was fun to catch up.

Next stop: The Temple! What a beautiful building! It was raining like crazy and cold! We went to the baptistry and it was PACKED! Aunt Kay kind of sneaked us in. Darin & Elise had to go to sealings instead. We had to wait behind a big group of kids, but eventually it was Amanda's turn. This was her first time and her Dad got to be the baptizer (is that a word). Aunt Kay and I went right up to the font to watch (thanks to a cute sister worker who told us to) and Uncle Bud was the guy in charge of the names. He accidently put 'Sister Gibson' as the one being proxy and when Mike automatically corrected it during his first baptism, Uncle Bud laughed and said, 'Nice catch, Mike!' (My maiden name is Gibson) It was a funny moment. Bud kept asking if they wanted to do '5 more names?' and asked if Mike wanted to get dunked, but Kay said there was a young girl that had been waiting for 2 hours for her baptism and we felt like she needed to have her turn. It was so fun to be in the temple with them. Aunt Kay even showed us how a picture of Christ at the top of some stairs 'moves' as you walk up and down the stairs. :) Just a little trivia!

We found the Jensens and went back home, and Bud & Kay came over after their shift for a visit. (I have no idea why this picture posted like this. It wasn't taken this way....any ideas?) We fed the kids, played with the neighbor kid's new chicks and then went to Don Pedros for another parents night out! In all the years we have been coming to St. Gorgeous, we haven't ever eaten there even though it's 2 minutes from the house (and they deliver!). It was GOOD Mexican food and very friendly people, especially since we showed up a half hour or less before closing time.

Sunday was a slow day. We cleaned up the house, did the laundry, watched the Masters, said good-bye to the Jensens, took a little nap, had some In-and-Out for lunch and then hit the road about 4:30pm. To our surprise, no one had to stop for a potty break, so we drove straight home! We can do it on one tank of gas just barely.....So, another wonderful trip to St. George! We love it there and are soooooo grateful to Jim & Renae for sharing their vacation home with us! I wish we could go back today!

Next stop...sand dunes!

An all-time favorite in Snow Canyon is the 'sand dunes'

Here you can bury kids, have jumping contests, sit and relax and enjoy the beauty of this magnificent earth. Here is Mike enjoying Elise's hat! Since the day was overcast, he forgot to wear his hat, so Elise let him borrow hers!
Sydney playing 'buried alive'
Darin and his kids dug deep hole just big enough for a child to stand in and then we would push the sand in around them. That was a new way to bury for us and the kids loved it. Sydney was a little tall, but Brandon loved it.

We were tuckered out at this point and went back to the house for a great bbq dinner!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Snow Canyon

We still had nice weather on Wednesday, so we headed to Snow Canyon! A quick campfire lunch complete with s'mores and we were game for some hiking. The place where we have had a campfire before was all torn up, so the park employee sent us to the picnic area and we used the bbq's!
Mike and Darin cooking up some mean hot dogs! Cute smile from Sydney
The kids started hiking. We usually hike the other side of this rock and when I hiked up, I was surprised how steep it was. The kids, however, were up and down this thing all during lunch.
Amanda and Brandon
Then, we hiked up to the Pioneer Names. The top of this is really, really steep. Darin got up there with all the kids and then almost all of them were scared coming down! Mike had a HUGE blister on his foot, so he had waited in the truck, but when he saw that Darin was trying to get all those kids down, he came to see if he could help!

Our human ladder worked....

and everyone got down safe and sound!

Our cute kiddos!

Silly faces...
B climbing another rock with Nash
We ran into the Woods family, so a group picture was in order. l to r: Woods kids, Sydney, Justin, Branson Wood, Amanda, Brandon, Nash, Maya, Audrey, Chase

Crazy pose