Monday, April 23, 2007

We have a new niece!

Darin & Kat had their little girl today. Sydney, Brando and I went to the hospital as soon as we could. She is darling! Sydney LOVES babies and didn't want to stop holding her. And the golden question, "Are we going to have another baby in our family? Can we?" was non-stop all the way home (a 45 minute drive mind you!). Congrats D & Kat & Zach! She's soooo cute!
On another note: it's stress week here. Among other things, Mike and I have the ward party this Saturday. It's our first since being put in as Ward Activities Chairs here. We did this calling in our last ward, also. We have great commitee and are having a Fiesta themed party for the adults, complete with Latin dancing, pinatas and a chili eating contest. However, we had our first panic phone call from the food committe tonight~Emergency meeting set for tomorrow night! This calling is a fun one and we enjoy it, but the whole week before an activity is filled with stress!
Now add that to normal work, school, life, church, (and I'm being a hostess on Saturday morning for the Utah Heritage Foundation tour) stress and we will definately be glad when we get through Saturday! Pray for us!
One last note: If anyone knows Mike, you know how he feels about his cars. Well, last week, Brandon took a rock to the Caddy! I keep meaning to get out and get a picture, but it's been too late when Mike has gotten home. Anyway, at least the scratch was limited to the front side panel and I have to say that my hubby was so under control! I was so proud of him. I thought for sure he would lose it, but he didn't even raise his voice! I'm proud of you, babe! I'll post a picture soon so you all may share in our pain......(it's a good thing Brandon is cute!)

Friday, April 13, 2007

And still more

Oh, I forgot to put our kid's official Easter Sunday morning picture on the last post. Here they are all dressed up and ready to go to church. This was the best picture we could get this morning since they were already hopped up on sugar and wild! They are beautiful kids and we love them so much! (Ok, and even the dog looks cute in this picture!)

More Easter Stuff

Sydney & her friend, Abby

I kind of feel as if we have been celebrating the bunny part of Easter for a month! We had our neighborhood Easter egg hunt last Saturday and we had kids in each of the age categories this year. Luckily, someone smart puts this on and has the groups go at different times (as opposed to all at once), so we got to spend time with each of the kids on their hunt. Then, we ran to my brother, Dan's, for their annual Easter egg hunt.
Gibson kids at the hunt....Sydney & Brandon are right in the middle.

We weren't there long when we got a call that Amanda was ready to be picked up (earlier than we expected) from the birthday party she was attending at the Lion House. (This is a fun party for 8 year olds....all of Amanda's little friends have done this party. Including ours, she has been to 6 since October!). So, we made a mad dash to downtown to retrieve our gal. So many activities that hopefully the kids were able to enjoy and not feel rushed.

This weekend was the big move across country for my baby bro and his family. So, we stopped by to see their 2 week old baby boy and he is SO cute! So much dark hair that my sis-in-law has already styled it with hair gel. I told him he looked like a cute Elvis baby. (sorry, I didn't get pictures).

Monday, we got to bless Chase. It was fun because my Dad is a new bishop and was 'officiating' the blessing at his own home. We blessed Brandon at home and it was so wonderful, peaceful and we were surrounded by family. Blessing Chase was much the same way. I felt bad because Mike had left earlier that day on a business trip and couldn't be with us. Such is life. But one of the best parts of my week was walking in on Brandon 'reading his scriptures'. Now I know this looks staged and it really wasn't and I know he really doesn't know he was reading the scriptures, but it was a nice glimpse into the future of our son obeying the commandments (we are hoping!). By the way, here's a cute moment with Brandon that never ends....he is obessed with wearing his shoes and his coat everywhere. He loses it if we take them off, even in the house! With the warmer weather last week, he was even outside sweating like crazy and wouldn't let me take the darn coat off! So, I have hidden the coat! Right now he is sitting on my lap, looking at this picture and screaming about wanting this coat!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Chugga chugga choo choo!

Today, Brandon and I went with Sydney on her preschool field trip. We went to S&S Railroad. It's this little pretend train station that some guy who is in love with trains (sound familiar Dad?) built right by his house. He gives rides on a big train, and then has a bunch of model trains. One set is a just smaller than one you could ride and quite impressive. The train ride we took was not that great, but the kids loved it. They also have a little park that we sat and ate popsicles (sugar free and her teacher said...I'm not crazy, I'm not feeding 20 preschoolers sugar!), the kids played on the swings and climbed all over a play train. I'm sure this is the last preschool fieldtrip I will be taking with Sydney. Hard to believe she will be in Kindergarten next year. Brandon joined in like he was one of the big kids and I think Sydney thought it was fun to have her little brother along...

Sunday, April 1, 2007


So, my family loves pistachios. When we bring out the mondo bag we always get for Christmas from G&G Arv, the kids go crazy. They are like little birds waiting for Mom or Dad to open the nut and give them the treat. Today, our very independent and bright, (almost) 2 year old decided that he could open his own pistachios...and he did! Cute moment, Brando!

We had the Grandpa's up for dinner tonight because both the Grandma's are out of town helping new babies. We had a fun time and the kids love to play and tease their Grandpas. We really enjoyed General Conference this weekend. I'm always a little sad when it's over and I really look forward to getting the Ensign so I can study the talks. Plus, I think we all feel a little more fulfilled after listening to the prophet and apostles.

A couple of weeks ago, the girls begged us to sleep on the air mattress. It was even a school night, but we gave in. They had their own little sleepover in the family room. They watch half a movie and then went right to sleep! Funny how the little things will make them so happy!
They both said they fell off the bed at some point during the night, but they still loved it!

Hard to believe we are into April already! Yesterday, Mike and worked hard in the front yard. We even edged and mowed the lawn. We bought 3 trees for the front garden and some flagstone. Luckily, we are supposed to get a little rain tomorrow, so we won't be able to work outside! Ha, ha. I actually love to work in the yard, but lately it seems there is so many other things to do, that taking on the yard this early feels a little overwhelming. I am excited to get my vegi garden going this year. I used to think that putting in a yard would be fun because we could do things exactly how we want them, but it takes forever to do it yourself. I also have thought of changing some things that are done pouring more concrete! What it all boils down to is $$$$. I keep telling's a process or a journey (without a destination)! When we get the trees planted and the flagstone set, I will post a picture.