Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lunch with the Mayor, anyone?

Sydney got a nice honor this week and was invited to have Lunch with the Mayor of Kaysville! They chose one student from each 1st grade class to go and our little Syd Syd was one of them! She was sooo excited! She got to ride to City Hall with the Vice Principal. She said they missed the question time because they were a little late. She was going to ask the Mayor about building a rec center in Kaysville. Oh well...maybe next time. She said they had pizza and cookies. She got to miss "one hour and fifty minutes of school" and that made her excited!
We are proud of you, Sydney!
Here is Amanda wanting to get some of Sydney's attention :)

I thought her eye looked pretty cool in this picture even though it's out of focus....

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Tonight I am grateful for my bunko/dinner girls that came to The Dodo for dinner! It was my turn to host and I usually don't get a good turn-out when they have to come to Kville. So, I planned to meet at the Dodo (yum) and we had a great time! The girls: Cherri, Sharee, GayLinn, Loura, Jen, Lisa, & Lori! Here's the highlights: Lisa is on her way to China next week and we got to hear about Lori's trip to the Grammy's! Cherri wasn't feeling well, GayLinn got a cute new haircut, Sharee just had a 50th birthday surprise party put on by her daughter, Loura's son just went into the MTC, and Jen's missionary is about to come home, but she's getting the other one ready to go! When it was time to go, they all walked my to my car so I wouldn't get mugged by the guy that was begging for $$ outside the parking garage! I'm so glad we have all kept in touch!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Fourth folder, fourth picture....Picture day for the Gibsons! Left to right, Brandon, Carsyn, Sydney, Amanda and McKenzie! I'm not tagging anyone because it took me a couple of months to do this tag. It was easy...but, there you go! By the way, I loved the dresses my girls have on (they had on tall black boots, too), but Sydney has only worn hers a few more time and Amanda never did! We gave hers to Kate!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jr. High School Musical!

Can you spot Amanda above and Sydney below?

The whole cast

These pictures are dark, but Amanda is the tallest in this picture. She is wearing her tiara that she got from the Lion House on her 8th birthday! Yea! It came in handy for something!

The girls performed in their singing group's production of Jr. High School Musical! Amanda was a Sharpay (they had a group of Sharpays) and Sydney was a cheerleader. Our cute Sydney also had strep throat and wasn't quite up to herself. However, she performed perfectly and just crashed when the show was over. Amanda had to sing a solo and did Fabulous! The girls have had so much fun doing this group and I feel bad, but we have pulled them out for awhile. We just need to simplify some things. I'm ok with not having to put together costumes anymore. Sydney's red felt skirt was quite a challenge, but I doctored it enough that it looked great on-stage.
Amanda saying her lines...
And singing her solo!

Mike's parents and my Mom made it up to the matinee (Dad was doing Bishop stuff). It was fun to share this time with them. Mike & Brandon went to the Disney show at the Delta Center....on the free tickets Darin got us, so they joined us at the nighttime show. Afterwards, we got some dinner and enjoyed hanging with our stars! Way to go, girls!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh, I wish I were in Dixie

We went to St. George last week and had a blast! It was good to get away. The weather was in the 50's mostly, but in SL it was snowing! We went with Rog & Coze's family and Steve & Hillary and their girls. This is the scene in the a.m. The kids love sleeping out together!
Saturday, we had lunch at In -n- Out Burger and then we headed into Snow Canyon! Steve & Hill had found a great rock in Upper Galoot (or lower..I can't remember) that the kids LOVED climbing on! We took lots of pictures, and then a first-time moment occured. B had to pee, so Mikey took his son and taught him how to pee in the wilderness! Touching moment....glad we could document it!
The view was BEAUTIFUL! I wish this one wasn't so backlit. I need to learn my Photoshop.

I love this picture of my boys!

This is our attempt at a family picture, but Brandon was pulling a Mikey. He was 'done with this picture!'

This is the best we could get...

Throwing rocks in the water

After this, some of the little babies needed naps, so we took Rog & his girls with us and hiked on Johnson's trail. It was a mile in/mile out and it was fun! The kids did really well and loved playing in the water that had accumulated at the end of the trail.

Roger decided to be Baer Grylls and 'scale this rock' Then, he had to ask for Mike to help him down! just kidding...he made it on his own.

We thought this rock was cool....looked like a big old turtle!

Our boy found a great log to balance on....and then Elyse got in on the action!
Brandon thought he was cool because he hiked up here all by himself! Go big B!

All the girls found the log now and had to pose....go cute girls!

After we were done, Rog & Mike went golfing and after dinner the girls hit the stores! Fun way to spend Valentine's Day! (We also picked up sushi on the way home! Yum!) Sunday, Steve & Hill left and the rest of us went to the Brigham Young Winter home and the Jacob Hamblin home and then to Kay & Bud's for dinner! We are so lucky to be able to spend time with them and they always make us such a great dinner! Since Roger needed to work Monday, they left for SL right after dinner. I'm sure they got home so late, but it was fun to hang with them all day.

Monday, Mike took the kids swimming, I returned some of the clothes I bought that didn't fit the kids, and we cleaned up to come home. While we waited for towels to dry, we went to get lunch, but St. George was so busy everywhere! I don't know why there were so many people there still at 3pm trying to get lunch! We went from Washington, through St. George downtown area and then ended up back closer to the house at the Pizza Factory on Sunset. By this time, Mike & I were getting anxious to hit the road because of the weather (it looked to be snowing north). We finally got going, made one stop in Meadow for a snack & potty and then high-tailed it all the way home (we got home about 9:15p). We had a great time though and love spending time together!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentine's from my honey

We were in St. George over Valentine's Day, but Mikey brought me these beautiful roses anyway! I love them and it was so nice to enjoy them down there. Then, we brought them home! They traveled pretty well for 4.5 hours in the car! Thanks, babe! I love you!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Switching it up!

We have now been in our house for 4 years! And it's really starting to show. We decided to patch up some nicks, etc. in the walls. This is just a sample of how bad it was! This wall used to have the toy box by it, thus the multiple problems.

(We haven't repainted the purple yet...that's why there is primer marks between the beds-we also haven't rehung most of the pictures, etc)
The girls were also ready for a change and since we aren't doing the basement yet, we decided to take their bunkbeds down! I just had to write this down because I thought it was so cute! It also made me so happy that my girls have each other!
The first night the beds were side by side, we put the kids to bed. Then, we heard giggling that went on forever! The girls were giggling because they could see each other! We now listen to them quite often in there at night just chatting away. I think this is one reason I'm not in a hurry to finish their rooms in the basement. These are great memories they are making!

B's new hair

I love this kid! We were working on his Star Wars transformers this morning. I'm clueless, but I try manipulating the transformer enough that it looks like I know what I'm doing. Brandon is a sweetheart and will usually go with whatever shape I get the thing in....even though it's not right!

The other day, I decided he needed a haircut. I wanted to grow it long to enjoy his cute curls, but it was puffy near the crown. When I went to the 'chop shop' haircut place and explained what I wanted, she deducted that I wanted short.
I thought, well, cut it short and then we'll grow it out again....but she went REALLY short!
I guess the upside is that I won't need to get him a haircut any time soon!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am grateful for a fun, sunny weekend in St. George and need to update many things, but for now, I am grateful for these big, fluffy Utah snowflakes! I know people were complaining, but it was really beautiful watching the snow fall today. I loved it! We got 8 inches here in Kville!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gratitude today

For yesterday, I'm grateful that all 3 kids went to school! It's been a little while since that happened since B & Syd were taking turns being sick. They were also all excited about going! YEA! I got into cleaning mode and deep cleaned my bathroom and the wood floors. It felt great!
Today, I'm grateful that Brandon pooped in the potty! YEA! I'm trying not to get too excited, because we have had a one-time victory before. But, we may have found a trick this time....he has to 'try' right when he gets up and he can't play the Wii until he 'tries' This is a big deal as he is always saying, 'I can't poop in the potty! I can pee, but I can't poop!' I know...too much information, but this is something that is perplexing our family! Cross your fingers!
For this weekend, we are headed to St. George and I am grateful to be able to take fun, quick vacations with my family!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 11-just to get up to date!

I'm grateful today that Brandon felt like going back to school! The spark is back in his eye!

Day 10

I'm grateful today that I don't feel the need to make chocolate dipping my talent! After attending a demonstration at Relief Society tonight, I just know it's not my talent! But, they sure tasted good!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 9 of Gratitude

So, we have been having a little sick run at our house. We had a really hard time with Brandon yesterday. On our way home from visiting the grandparents, he just cried the whole 1/2 hour ride! When we got home, we gave him some Tylenol and put him in bed. As I sat there rubbing his back (he was sooo upset), Mike & I decided we needed to take him in. Since it was 9:40p and there was only one KidsCare open in Bountiful, it was going to be close.

I drove as fast as I dared, Mike called the clinic, unbeknownst to me, and I arrived at 9:56p. When Mike talked to the KidsCare they said as long as I made it by 10p, then they would see us. I got a sleeping Brandon out of the car, ran up to the building, and the doors were locked! I couldn't see anyone inside. Don't you think they would be on the lookout for me? Well, I got back in the car, circled the building looking for any sign of people inside, and again when I didn't see a soul, I drove us back home.

Brandon slept in our bed with Mike and every 3 hours we were up giving him pain killers. He was restless and very sick. Here's where the story turns better.

Monday morning, I call our doctor and am able to make an appointment for 10:30am. The snow is coming down like crazy, but we trek to the doc's office. We see the doc, tell her that Sydney had just gotten over strep, they test Brandon....and it's strep! Now we know! He looked awful! People in the waiting room were commenting to me, etc. Ran into Nicole Francis there...she was so concerned she called us later that day. Anyway, I am grateful for the antibiotic shot! Brandon was so ticked off when we gave him the shot in his little bum, but already tonight we saw improvement!

He was able to sleep for 3 hours this afternoon, we got him to eat a little dinner (he hasn't been eating well), and he even played awhile with us before bedtime. We put him to bed on time and he's in there peacefully snoozing away!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gratitude today

Today I'm grateful for my cute painted toes from my pedi with Elise this week!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Date Night Gratitude

Yesterday, Mike & I decided to fast and then go to ward temple I was fasting all day...big accomplishment for me. I also was baking. I made a chocolate sheet cake for temple night (we couldn't go after all because when we checked our recommends, they had expired Jan 31st!), and also made Amanda's favorite dinner, chicken pillows. Everything looked delicious, and everything smelled delicious!

Suffering the consquences of having Brandon play the Wii for 4 hours straight, because I was not feeling well and was laying down, when I made him stop playing, he had a major meltdown....only to be expected. The brain mushing that occurs in 4 hours on a 3 year old while playing video games is pretty intense. He decided that he wanted McDonalds. When I aked him why, he said they have a soccer ball toy in the happy meal. He never eats the food...well, maybe the fries-who can withstand those fries?-but gets enticed by the toy. I think we have discussed how marketing effects this kid in a previous post, right?
So, I tell him no, and he starts crying again and screaming, "I want McDonalds" over and over and over. During this fun moment between Mom and Son, Mike the Dad calls, "Wow, what's wrong with Brandon?" I relay the story and then Mike says, "Kerry & Makell want to go get sushi tonight. They'll be there in a about 20 minutes to pick us up. I'm on my way home."

Here I am, in the midst of a 3 year old temper tantrum, MAJOR dishes all over the kitchen from my baking escapades of the afternoon, and definitely not dressed for a night out on the town. But, I was so excited that sweet Amanda is old enough to tend so we can go do something like this spur of the moment. I will try not to take advantage of her and will reward her, but I'm so glad I don't have to call for babysitters! I would get a complex when I would call 4 or 5 girls and they all say no. Can I get an Amen from all my sisters? You know what I'm talking about!

Somehow, we pulled it all together and were ready when Kerry & Makell arrived. We had a great time trying out the sushi at Osaka (loved it!) and then going to a movie! We love these friends and enjoy spending time with them. So, I'm grateful for Amanda, date night & friends today.
PS: Mike & I stayed up late and cleaned up the kitchen together so that we didn't have to wake up to that disaster this morning! Yea!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I'm grateful for the FREE book I got for helping box up the book fair at the school this afternoon.
I got a funny book about sisters and gave it to my girls!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gratitude today

I really should be changing my blog background and changing birthdays for February, but I have a killer head cold, so this is all I will be able to do today. I'm grateful today for the chance I had to lay down and rest in a quiet house! Not always possible, huh!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gratitude each day

I had a "moment" on Sunday that I should remember one thing each day to be thankful for. I thought I would journal it on my blog for a month. I was having a particularly hard day Sunday. Went to Sacrament Mtg., left for SS and dragged myself back to the church for Relief Society. An older lady that was visiting our ward bore her testimony and reminded me that I have much to be thankful for and if we concentrate on that....we won't be having a daily pity party. Some days I may elaborate, some days I won't!

So, in my usual procrastinating is my
Sunday thankful moment: Church
Monday: my wonderful husband
Tuesday: Prayer
Wednesday: this video (thanks Corrine)

Someday I'll figure out how to make that link cool....Happy Day everyone!