Saturday, February 7, 2009

Date Night Gratitude

Yesterday, Mike & I decided to fast and then go to ward temple I was fasting all day...big accomplishment for me. I also was baking. I made a chocolate sheet cake for temple night (we couldn't go after all because when we checked our recommends, they had expired Jan 31st!), and also made Amanda's favorite dinner, chicken pillows. Everything looked delicious, and everything smelled delicious!

Suffering the consquences of having Brandon play the Wii for 4 hours straight, because I was not feeling well and was laying down, when I made him stop playing, he had a major meltdown....only to be expected. The brain mushing that occurs in 4 hours on a 3 year old while playing video games is pretty intense. He decided that he wanted McDonalds. When I aked him why, he said they have a soccer ball toy in the happy meal. He never eats the food...well, maybe the fries-who can withstand those fries?-but gets enticed by the toy. I think we have discussed how marketing effects this kid in a previous post, right?
So, I tell him no, and he starts crying again and screaming, "I want McDonalds" over and over and over. During this fun moment between Mom and Son, Mike the Dad calls, "Wow, what's wrong with Brandon?" I relay the story and then Mike says, "Kerry & Makell want to go get sushi tonight. They'll be there in a about 20 minutes to pick us up. I'm on my way home."

Here I am, in the midst of a 3 year old temper tantrum, MAJOR dishes all over the kitchen from my baking escapades of the afternoon, and definitely not dressed for a night out on the town. But, I was so excited that sweet Amanda is old enough to tend so we can go do something like this spur of the moment. I will try not to take advantage of her and will reward her, but I'm so glad I don't have to call for babysitters! I would get a complex when I would call 4 or 5 girls and they all say no. Can I get an Amen from all my sisters? You know what I'm talking about!

Somehow, we pulled it all together and were ready when Kerry & Makell arrived. We had a great time trying out the sushi at Osaka (loved it!) and then going to a movie! We love these friends and enjoy spending time with them. So, I'm grateful for Amanda, date night & friends today.
PS: Mike & I stayed up late and cleaned up the kitchen together so that we didn't have to wake up to that disaster this morning! Yea!


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Oh yeah! I know what your talking about! I LOVE having built in babysitters! It was a long wait but well worth it. :)

d.r. gib said...

I am thankful for sisters-in-law that share yummy baked goods (hint hint)