Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's all about boating

Our week started out with us wanting to take the boat up Monday night. But, my a/c went out in my car on Sunday night. We ran it to the dealer on Monday morning hoping that we'd get it back in time to hit the lake that night. No dice. Jim & Renae had planned to go with us, so when we didn't have a car to tow the boat, we decided to meet them downtown for dinner. A fun little dinner at The Dodo, where Grandpa taught the girls how to 'shoot' rubberbands! Since we were at the Gateway, the girls reminded us that we 'owed' them Build-a-bear. How convenient! So, we took the grandparents and the kids up to b-a-b. They each got a cute little stuffed animal and now our debt is paid! Thanks to J&R for a fun night!
So, Tuesday night we tried to go boating again! We wanted to try Echo, since our usual hangout, Pineview, has been so busy lately. When we got there...it was raining! We decided to wait it out and that was a smart choice because when the storm cleared, we were literally the ONLY boat on the lake and it was great water! Both girls knee-boarded. Since it was Sydney's first time, Mike was out with her. At one point, they fell off and we forgot to tell Syd one very important rule...Let Go of the Rope! She got dragged a little bit, but came out a trooper! Amanda did a great job, too, and no stitches this time. Along with a little swimming time, we had a great night! We did think that if Steve & Hill were still living there, they would have probably been with us and then Mike could have skied. So, way to go, Steve....
Round three...Mike went to help Renae and Jim take their Young Women boating today. He took the day off, took Amanda and headed to Echo around 9:15am. I stayed home with the little ones to take care of a little day-to-day business. Around 10:20a, I got a call that Mike forgot all the life jackets! So, we made a mad dash to gather a few things and hurried up to Echo. We had a nice day hanging out with Grandma and had perfect weather until about 4pm. Then, holy cow! Severe thunderstorm-at least that's what they reported on the radio. Jim and Mike pulled the boat out just as the wind started to rush and the rain began to pour! We had planned to stay boating for the evening after the YW girls left, but the storm changed our plans. We tried to wait it out by going to dinner at Taggart's Grill in Taggart, but the weather never got better. Lots of lightening and heavy rains. (I did see lightening hit a mountain in Henefer and it was smoking!) We had a fun dinner. Beautiful setting, the food was good, we saw the peacock that lives on the grounds and had yummy dessert.
Amanda was out on the boat all day and had a great time. Sydney didn't get enough rides, but was a good and patient girl. Brandon had a great time playing in the sand, dirt and with sticks. At one time, he took sticks over to a picnic table and would set them up like a bridge between the top and the bench. Then, he took a rock that was the car and crash the bridge down! He'd set it up again and knock it down again. Soon, Sydney and the 2 other little ones that were with us saw what a fun game it was and joined in the fun.
Lots of fun family time this week. I'm starting to teach piano again after teaching a skeleton schedule during July. I'm not sure I'm ready to be super busy again, but I am ready for the $$. Amanda has started to beg us for her own room again, so we need to get the basement started. If the kids would just stop growing up, then maybe we could catch up with the things that need to get done! I have loved spending so much time together as a family this summer. Mike and I have really been trying to make some fun memories for the kids.
Oh, and I finished my ironing!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Family Fun Saturday!

What a day not to have my camera! But, the fact is...this family fun day wasn't planned at all. After getting everyone up to go clean the church at 8am, we ran home to mow the lawn. It took longer than usual because we hadn't mowed the back lawn in at least 2 weeks...maybe a little longer. After getting all cleaned up, we headed to SL to get my hair done!

Why am I going to SL to get my hair done? Because my cute friend who does my hair in Kville has had horrible, multiple kidney stones this week to the point that she's been in bed all week! They even found some strange bacteria throughout her entire body that had it not been found could have killed her! YIKES! So, I wasn't wanting to bug her about my horrible hair problems, called my former hair gal. I have so much grey hair these days that I want to have it done about every 4.5 weeks! End of hair story.

So, after hair therapy, it was early afternoon and we didn't really want to just run home. We took a ride through our old neighborhood, hoping to be able to see Jane. However, when we got to her house, we could tell it might not be a good time to just pop in because estranged hubby's car was also there. Long story, not appropriate for blog.

Still, perplexed about what to do, we headed north when my fun-loving hubby got an idea to take the kids to Park City to the Alpine Slide. We told the girls we had a surprise for the rest of the afternoon. After MANY questions, Amanda finally figured out where we were going. The guessing game did take a good 20 minutes, though.

We haven't been on the slide for a good 2 years and my how things have changed up that way. So much building and on the resort....many more things to do! The kids loved the Alpine Slide. Sydney said, "This is what I'm talking about, baby!" Who knows where she gets her stuff. Brandon rode with Mike. Sydney rode with Jill and Amanda was solo. She felt pretty cool with her own sled.

There is a new (or new to us) ride there called the Alpine Coaster. It's AWESOME! You have similiar looking carts to the ones you ride on the slide and a track and cable system pulls you up the mountain. The ride is quite relaxing and enjoyable. Then, you push your levers forward and off you go down the mountain! It weaves all over, has fun bumps and turns. The kids all loved it so much that we went twice. It's really pricey, but really fun!

The first time we rode, we didn't take Brandon because he was under-age (the second we decided it was safe enough). So, while Mike and Amanda went, I took B & Syd to get a drink and a snack.

This next event was called the ice cream nightmare! We go into a small cafe and walk to the counter. Brandon apparently didn't see me stop, runs into my big butt and falls on the floor hard! He starts screaming and I can't settle him down. So, I'm holding him and ordering ice cream for Sydney. One scoop cone. Well, of course the size isn't really one scoop and way too large for a 5 year old to handle. But, I am too busy ordering another ice cream for B, but ask for it to be in a cup. I also order a big drink to share. Brandon is still crying and I have to put him down to fill up the drink. Meanwhile, I'm not watching Sydney, but she isn't eating her ice cream and because it's rather warm in PC, it starts to melt all over her hand. I usher them outside to a table in the shade. When I finally notice Sydney, she is a huge mess! Ice cream all over her hands and dress. The 3 napkins I grabbed don't nearly clean the mess and now it's all over my hands, too. Brandon still crying. I take the ice cream and try to lick it down to size and back into the cone. Using my last napkin which is really soaked with ice cream, I then throw it into what I think it a garbage can. Sydney soon tells me I threw it into a garden (planter box). Brandon still crying and wanting his ice cream and the drink. After a few more adjustments, Sydney gets her ice cream back, but by the time she finishes it, she has ice cream all over her face (above her eyes even), all over her hands, down her arms, down the front of her dress. I give Brandon an empty ice cream cone to munch on (remember I did one smart thing and got a cup for his) which he promptly drops on the ground after 3 bites. Somehow, we finish enough of the treats to gather all the yucky napkins, including the one in the garden, and head to the bathrooms. We walk out of the bathrooms just in time to find Mike and Amanda anxiously telling us how much FUN they just had on the Alpine Coaster!

After all this fun, everyone was hungry for dinner, so we headed to Main Street. With no idea where we wanted to eat, we started walking and got pulled into 'visitors center' by Westgate Resorts. Has anyone had any experiences with them? They offered us a $25 night stay with free dinner to take the resort tour. Does anyone watch South Park? We don't........but, there is an episode where the main characters go to a timeshare presentation and are never allowed to leave. We were laughing so hard as we left that we are going to be living that episode! Mike is good at saying no, so I'm not worried about any pressure sale and it's a good excuse for a small get-away! The guy also gave us a free appetizer to a restaurant on Main, so we went to Cisero's...I think that was the name. It was great food and we ran into some neighbors while there.

The funny thing about a couple of these neighbors is that we run into them at dinnertime in restaurants all the time! Mostly closer to home, so it was a riot to see them all the way in PC.

Quite a fun day that was quite spontaneous. With 3 kids, we don't do many spontaneous things. I was glad that I had grabbed a couple of extra diapers before heading to SL. Now, all the little Arvys are tucked in bed, while I have to prepare to sub for the Primary chorister tomorrow morning! Ciao!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Future Groomers

The girls and their friend, Bailey, decided that tonight that Mater needed a bath. Mike & I agreed, however, we don't like to bathe him. So, the kids made a plan to do it in the backyard in a bucket. They did a good job and it was probably a good learning experience for them. He did jump out once and ran to the front yard! He was not having fun! They did a nice job and yes, he really did need a bath according to the color of the bath water!

My big boy!

Brandon has decided that Mom & Dad's bed is now his bed. He won't nap unless it's on our bed and he won't go to sleep at night unless it's in our bed (we move him after he's asleep). Today, I have been working on the computer (also in my room) and looked over to see Brandon all stretched out and sleeping. What I couldn't believe was how long he looked! He is growing so fast to my dismay! He is such a fun, sweet part of our family. He has really been into giving hugs, kisses, and gonks lately. He copies everything we say. The girls think that's annoying, but Mike and I love to hear his little voice! Love you Bubba!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy Pioneer Day!

I love this holiday! I love to remember the pioneers. I remember reading about the pioneers as a child and loving the descriptions of their lives. I always knew that I could be a pioneer child that was strong enough to cross the plains. Now that I'm older, I don't believe that anymore! I'm fascinated how they managed to live off the land. After a school field trip to the Lion House and Beehive House, I wanted to live there. I'm so grateful for their sacrifice!

I wish we were doing something more exciting for today. Mike has to work! But, this morning he ran the Des News 10K. He did a great job, especially because he didn't train at all for this race! I was trying to remember the last time he took a run and it wasn't even last week! So, we are so proud of him! I dragged the kids out of bed at 6am and we went to Liberty Park to watch their Daddy cross the finish line and cheer him on! We also saw Uncle Matt and cousin, Ryan, running! Amanda really wants to run with her Daddy next year! Great job, honey! We love you!
We came home and watched the parade on tv. Our former bishop in Murray was in charge of a float for our former stake and it turned out beautiful! He was so upset that he was given this calling! We told him it was because he's a guy that gets things done, not that he needs to be the creative one (he's an accountant!). That was fun to see the float.
We did end up having plans for that evening! Our neighbors across the street, McClearys, invited us over to swim and have a bbq. Jergensens and Barkers were also there. The kids had a blast! Brandon, although extremely cranky, went from the pool to the tramp to the bball court back to the pool. Finally, I sent Mike home to put B to bed! He wore me out! Good fun! We also did our last 5 fireworks with the Francis' who had one big finale firework. Nicole has been fighting with kidney stones for a week now....to the point of hospitalization. Poor thing! After we were done with the Francis' fireworks, we walked down the street to the Bauerlee's and saw theirs. I had to call it a night at that point because I was worn out!


My boys playing frisbee

We spent the weekend in Enterprise! Mike's family was having a reunion on Terry's Ranch. It was really fun and thanks to Mike's parents and the aunts and uncles for putting it on! There was a dutch oven dinner, singing and glow sticks on Friday night. Saturday, we missed breakfast (because we stayed in St. George), but got there in time for the games. There was a bounce house which was Brandon's favorite and the horse ride which was the girl's favorite! The girls waiting in line for a good hour to ride. When it was Sydney's turn, the horse needed a rest! She was so brave. You could see in her eyes that she wanted to cry, but she was a big girl and waited patiently for another hour. She was first up when they brought the horse out again. Brenda, Carla and Lisa put on 'Fear Factor' in which Mike and Amanda participated. The water game turned into a small water fight with Mike and his cousins. Pickle eating contest which Mike did, but didn't try to win because someone's kid was eating them like those hot dog eating champions! A kid's race that Amanda did and came in 3rd place! We were so proud of her. It went up a steep dirt hill and she did awesome! Amanda and Maddie participated in the egg toss and almost won, until Amanda tossed a little too far for Maddie to catch. There was a huge pavilion, bathrooms, and huge lawn area. Some families brought tents and slept overnight.

We also stopped by Mountain Meadow and saw the new monument there.
On the way home, just outside of Nephi, traffic on the freeway came to a standstill! My normally law-abiding hubby made a decision to follow some cars in a u-turn and drive back to the frontage road. We had Sydney in the backseat needing a bathroom asap! We did get to see the Young Living Family Farms which was kind of fun since we always notice their signs on our trips to St. George. When we got to the freeway entrance just north of Mona, the freeway just opened again, so we cruised to get back on the freeway and to the nearest gas station! Fun weekend!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Best Toast!

Sydney told me tonight at dinner that I was the best cook. She loves how I make toast! It's the best ever!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

All I Want For Christmas Is

My 2 front teeth! YEA! It finally happened! Sydney asked Mike to pull out that darn front tooth last night. Thank goodness it came out nice and easy! She has the cutest smile now!

We had a great time swimming at the Eames' yesterday. It was a visiting teaching day. We invite the gals we visit, they invite theirs, etc. We all get it done, entertain the kids and have a great time doing it! (I'm sure someone taught the lesson in the pool).
I also had my last official visits with the Relief Society. We got to visit a new move-in and a new baby! I will truly miss this part of this calling. We had a good time and some good laughs.
And Festival of Trees has started! We had our first meeting Tuesday. We now are hostesses for the mini-trees. We have done gift shop for 2 years in a row and although that was fun (if you were on a register), people in charge are not always nice to the gift shop gals. Power trip, I think. I think that I'll go with Mike to deliver trees this year. I feel like we could ask one of the grandparents to take the kids overnight. Mike has done this for 2 years and thinks it is so cool! I really want to experience this part of the festival!

Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm having bittersweet thoughts today. I'm in our RS Presidency with some awesome gals. We were put in as the ward split 1.5 years ago. I think that it takes about a year for a presidency to really gel and that has happened with these gals. We have had a great time together. We've had some struggles, especially when we were responsible for our sisters in the government assisted apartments that joined our ward about a year ago, but struggled again as they left our ward about 3 months ago because we had grown to love them so much. We've worked through struggles with a young, brand-new ward and have grown wiser through the process. I have learned so much through our president, Sharon, as she has handled every situation with class and sensitivity, yet with a great sense of humor. She could tell us how she was really feeling, blow off steam, and then turn around and take care of the task ahead.

We are being released in 2 weeks. I think every time you are released from a calling you have sad feelings as well as relief, but I have had many emotions since I was told we were being released. Relief, because I am already doing 2 other callings. Ward Activites Chair with my awesome hubby and permanent Primary subs (in the handbook, subs are supposed to be called and set apart to teach...so that's us). But, sadness because there were so many things I enjoyed about the RS calling. I was able to learn about the women in our ward in a more in-depth way than I would normally. I got to meet all the new move-ins first and could feel their relief that they knew at least one person. (Mike and I talked about continuing this through activities committee by going to the new people's house to welcome them, introduce ourselves and give them a list of the dates of the ward parties). I love my fellow sisters in the presidency!

This has been an interesting ward. I have come to the realization that there are so many capable and worthy members here that we will all be doing every calling. We will just take turns at each. My job is to do the very best I can at whatever calling I have. I have also come to realize that sometimes callings are made because of a need and not necessarily inspiration. The fascinating thing about this church is we members stand behind those called, we support and sustain and the church/ward/stake rolls along. I sure hope for this when I am called to any calling, feeling inadequate and am in need of support and understanding.

I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to experience church life with these gals for the past year and a half! My deep thoughts are now being interrupted by my baby wanting to see Thomas on the computer, my laundry in the dryer, the un-made beds, the un-vacuumed floors and the thoughts that I need to see where my girls are! Thank you for reading through this exhausting blog! If you have come to the end understanding what I have said, then congrats! To me, it reads like a bunch of jumbled thoughts, but now they are on my blog and not in my head rolling around! Ciao!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Way to go, girls!

Well, it was Sydney's turn to give a talk in Primary today. When she found out last week, she immediately sat down and drew and colored about 6 pictures about Jesus being baptized and of when she'll be baptized. She put this whole subject and pictures together! I was so impressed and proud of her. We then put together words to go with the pictures. But, this morning, she lost it (her nerves, I mean)! She got so nervous and refused to give the talk. After much calm talking and encouraging her, the only thing that would get her to at least try to give her talk was a bribe to go to 'Build-a-Bear'!!! She perked right up and gave that talk and did a fantastic job! We reassured her that she could do her talk without the reward of B-a-B, but we were proud of her for having the courage to get up and do it!

Amanda also got to perform in Primary today. She and her activity day girls played the bells for the jr and sr Primary. They played 'I Am a Child of God' and it was beautiful! Good job, Panda! She is getting a B-a-B for doing that, not because she was scared, but because we have to keep things even (in the girls' eyes anyway). Our friend was laughing at us saying that she bribes her kids with 'tic-tacs' or gum and we are up to B-a-B. She can't wait to see what bribes we come up with for the teen-age years! We passed up the gum bribes a long time ago! Maybe we'll just move to threats when they are teen-agers!

I am so pleased that our church gives our children the opportunity to be 'public' speakers and performers early in life. There are so many times in our lives that we need to be in front of others or leading a group or performing and it's nice to learn how to put the anxieties behind us when we are young and learn how to conduct ourselves. A family that I used to babysit for once told their children that they need to learn how to be social so that they aren't afraid to share the gospel. I have remembered their kids telling me this and thinking that is a great point. If we just learn how to talk to others, then when the opportunity arises, we aren't battling our own insecurities in the process. This family was a great example of fun and social people and great at sharing the gospel. For those wondering (my fam, I'm sure)...I'm speaking of the Blake's.
Anyway, we are proud of our girls! And we are pleased with what they are learning and how they are growing into beautiful young ladies!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More boating fun!

We finally got the boat! So, we just had to take it up to Pineview last night. We had the greatest time! Mike says that's the perfect evening for him. Brandon had his first tube ride (at least we can't remember giving him one last year). We did a lot of swimming. The girls learned a new trick on the tube...no hands and standing up! They were having a great time! It was a little windy when we got off the lake, but we still managed to get the boat on the trailer. I hate trying to load in wind! Maybe I just need more practice!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Syd's teeth are falling out!

But not the ones we want! Sydney started complaining that her tooth (the one that already had major work and a baby crown put on it) was hurting. I flossed it and then felt around on it to see if I could feel a bump or something. Nothing. So, we went 2 more days and finally there was a sign that I needed to call the dentist! Abcess! Poor thing! Since there wasn't anything left to do to that tooth, we pulled it! Sydney gets really nervous and we had to talk her through the shot and tell her everything that was going to happen, but she did a great job! The tooth looked pretty scary when it came out! It was huge for such a little girl! There is a spacer or 'bracelet' the dentist called it until her new molar will grow in....if you look close in this picture you can see the somewhat bloody hole in her gums (sorry to the queasy-tummied-is that a word?). She also had to be put on an antibiotic because of the infection! Poor gal. The funny-odd-strange thing is that she wanted some of Brandon's antibiotic (for his ear infection) so bad and told me she wished she could have an ear infection so she could get the meds. Crazy! So, now she has her own meds and thinks it's cool. Amanda has now said the same thing and I told her she was grounded!
Fun and games with the Westenskow's this week! They bought a boat and invited us out on Monday night. We had a great time and the kids loved it! We have a great time with these guys and really enjoy hanging out with them. Thanks for a fun night!

Our girls on the tube. They love doing this and most of the night was pulling kids around on the tube! Great fun!
Eva and Amanda on the tube!

Brandon was too cool to look at me for these pictures. He was just chillin' on the boat.

Our girls one more time.....

Tuesday, we also went with the Westenskow's to the Clearfield pool and had a great time! It has great places for younger kids to play (like B) and a big water slide and lazy river for older kids (like Amanda). I joked with Makell while we were getting ready to go that I felt like I was forcing the kids to have fun because they were all crying that morning. But, going to the pool is exactly what we needed!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Friday, for family fun day...Mike only worked a couple of hours in the a.m. and then let the girls choose what they wanted to do that day. They both picked the zoo! We had a great time. It was really hot, but the kids loved the animals and the toys they picked up.

Amanda reminded us the difference between an African elephant and Asian elephant by looking at their ears. African elephants have bigger ears. And she learned some new ways to tell from the 'eco-explorer', James, such as both male and female African ele's have tusks, etc.

Looking for the bears!

Brandon showing us his toy...an annoying tiger that he could make growl at will. Great toy for a boy!!
Nice smile, Amanda!
We went to Discovery land show and the girls both touched a HISSING COCKROACH! UGH! Also, a rabbit and a chuckwalla. They are braver than I!
Saturday night we went to the Jarman's for a bbq and outdoor movie with a bunch of families from the neighborhood. The Jarman's and most of the other families are from 'the other ward' in our neighborhood, which starts just around the corner (about 3 houses away) from us. We laugh that we live so close, but because we are in 'the other ward' we never see or talk with each other. It was a fun night with good conversation, the kids had a blast and what could be more fun than an outdoor movie?!?!?

Thursday, July 5, 2007


We decided not to go to St. George this weekend for a couple of reasons...heat, Mike had to work this morning and we are going for a family reunion in 2 weeks. So, we promised the kids that Dad would take some time off anyway and we would do some fun things. Today, we took them to Discovery Gateway or the former Children's Museum. They LOVED it and we had to drag them away 2.5 hours later kicking and screaming. It was fun to watch the girls on the news set and the weather board. They were just eating that up. They did a play with some other kids and it was great! I'm glad they weren't acting shy! They enjoyed making art with a spinning disc. Brandon just loved everything. He drove cars, did the grocery shopping, played balls and tunnels with Dad and played with the bolts that were magnets. It was a fun day! We were starving by the time we left, so we went to Happy Sumo for some sushi and yummy food. I love the fact that our kids eat calamari and sushi and such!