What a fun time of year! And always a nice time to reflect and remember how truly blessed we are to live in America. I have been reminded of this a few times this year as our girls have learned patriotic songs and the Pledge of Allegiance in school this year. Those things coming from your children just melt your heart.
Mike had been on a business trip until very late on Tuesday, so Wednesday morning we kind of slept in! It was wonderful! Then, we had to do some yard work since the lawnmower broke while I was trying to mow and left a beautiful pattern in the front lawn. My handy hubby fixed the mower and we made things all right again. Then, we went to lunch and also drove around Kville's activities, since we've never been...just scoping it out for next year, I guess. We got some fireworks and back home so Brandon could sleep. Mike did smoke bombs and snakes with the girls and they loved it! While waiting for Brandon, we watched 'The Revolution' on the History Channel. We have been really into learning about this American history since Mike started reading 1776 and John Adams by David McCullough. We were fortunate to hear him lecture a few months ago (well, Mike and his parents did, I had to run home because the inexperienced babysitter kept calling my cell phone during the lecture! I finally just went home), and they were extremely impressed.
We ran to Winger's for dinner (Sydney's choice) and then back to our house for more fireworks. Soon, we joined up with the Francis', which usually happens every July, and watched fireworks with their family and the McCleary boys. When we were done, it was perfect timing to go see the city's fireworks, so we drove until we found a church lawn that had the perfect view. We could hear the music, also, and didn't have to fight the crowds or worry that Brandon would get lost. It was fun to hang with my girls and sing songs together. I had to hold back tears because it was such a sweet moment. Then, the girls noticed the American flag in front of the church, so we stood and said the 'Pledge'.
And then our church fireworks view....
This is a perfect way to spend this holiday for me...with my family. I am so lucky!
Sounds like you guys had the perfect 4th of July (other than the small lawnmower glitch). What a fun day! Steve spent it studying so it was just a normal day for us, kinda boring. Wish we could've been there to celebrate with you or hike up to Lake Mary again, that was fun last year!
Great family day for you all. We were up so early that I was falling asleep at 10:00, so we went to bed. We watched a special on Channel 11 about the Constitutional Convention. It was really interesting to see the process our founding fathers went through to form the constitution.
Boating was great, too.
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