We decided not to go to St. George this weekend for a couple of reasons...heat, Mike had to work this morning and we are going for a family reunion in 2 weeks. So, we promised the kids that Dad would take some time off anyway and we would do some fun things. Today, we took them to Discovery Gateway or the former Children's Museum. They LOVED it and we had to drag them away 2.5 hours later kicking and screaming. It was fun to watch the girls on the news set and the weather board. They were just eating that up. They did a play with some other kids and it was great! I'm glad they weren't acting shy! They enjoyed making art with a spinning disc. Brandon just loved everything. He drove cars, did the grocery shopping, played balls and tunnels with Dad and played with the bolts that were magnets. It was a fun day! We were starving by the time we left, so we went to Happy Sumo for some sushi and yummy food. I love the fact that our kids eat calamari and sushi and such!

Darin likes sushi, where was the phone call???
Sorry, D! I was so starving by the time we got to Happy that I couldn't think about anybody else!
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