Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas card photo shoot

I took the kids out one Sunday morning to try to get some pictures for our Christmas card this year.

 We had a great time even though it was FREEZING!  They were great sports.  The girls loved it, B tolerated it.
I'll post more when I have a minute.....

Temple Square lights

Our annual trip to see the lights on Temple Square.  It wasn't cold and no snow on the ground, so it was pleasant!  We also went to the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Bldg.  We love downtown at Christmas and this is a great way to start the season!

Moab pics

Moab pics

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Boy's Trip

 The day after Thanksgiving, Mike decided the boys needed a boy's trip to Moab.  He called his friend, Reed who came along with his boy, Max.

 They hiked 18 miles in 2 days.  Brandon loves hiking.  They had a great time!  The girls and I went shopping and saw the Breaking Dawn movie.  It was a fun weekend for all of us!
I'll post more pictures of the boy's trip....

I'm back! Now let's play catch up!

This is the night before Grandma & Papa Arveseth left for New Zealand. We went to Scott & Kellie's and had dinner and pictures and good-byes.
 They have now been gone 6 weeks!  We got to 'facetime' them on Christmas and keep in touch almost daily with Instagram!

We miss them but know they are being Great missionaries!