Sunday, August 14, 2016

Mini Bowl! Nope, it's at Davis High! ha ha!

I think all the Kaysville teams were surprised when it was our team that made it to the Mini Bowl this year!  I think one of the teams thought they were the powerhouse and had it all wrapped up.  And Brandon's old team was a hot mess falling apart weekly with coaching drama. So, it was nice to be on this fun team! It also was so nice that the coaches didn't believe that this was a life or death game. They were excited to be there and proud of the boys for making it to the Mini Bowl!
 Pre-game stuff.....warning...lots of pictures ahead. I love seeing B in his uniform and his hot pink socks!  Oh guess what...there are pictures of the time they played on Davis High School's field....sorry!  The Mini Bowl was at Weber State...which was pretty cool!

 This is obviously the high school.....prettiest view!!

 Most of the pictures I have of Brandon's playing are from behind! When I get him from the front, I post all of them! :)

 This is at Davis...making good blocks! Brandon has LOVED this team! The boys and the coaches have just been such a good fit for him.....

 Cute #70!

 Nice Brandon!!!

 Cute grandparents coming to support Brandon!  This is at Davis, too....

 I'm pretty sure he's telling the ref he was held illegally.  I love his confidence!

 Still at Davis.

 My family looks cute here, but the wind was blowing and my hair looks terrible! Nice middle part! ha ha!  Love my people though!!