Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm having bittersweet thoughts today. I'm in our RS Presidency with some awesome gals. We were put in as the ward split 1.5 years ago. I think that it takes about a year for a presidency to really gel and that has happened with these gals. We have had a great time together. We've had some struggles, especially when we were responsible for our sisters in the government assisted apartments that joined our ward about a year ago, but struggled again as they left our ward about 3 months ago because we had grown to love them so much. We've worked through struggles with a young, brand-new ward and have grown wiser through the process. I have learned so much through our president, Sharon, as she has handled every situation with class and sensitivity, yet with a great sense of humor. She could tell us how she was really feeling, blow off steam, and then turn around and take care of the task ahead.

We are being released in 2 weeks. I think every time you are released from a calling you have sad feelings as well as relief, but I have had many emotions since I was told we were being released. Relief, because I am already doing 2 other callings. Ward Activites Chair with my awesome hubby and permanent Primary subs (in the handbook, subs are supposed to be called and set apart to that's us). But, sadness because there were so many things I enjoyed about the RS calling. I was able to learn about the women in our ward in a more in-depth way than I would normally. I got to meet all the new move-ins first and could feel their relief that they knew at least one person. (Mike and I talked about continuing this through activities committee by going to the new people's house to welcome them, introduce ourselves and give them a list of the dates of the ward parties). I love my fellow sisters in the presidency!

This has been an interesting ward. I have come to the realization that there are so many capable and worthy members here that we will all be doing every calling. We will just take turns at each. My job is to do the very best I can at whatever calling I have. I have also come to realize that sometimes callings are made because of a need and not necessarily inspiration. The fascinating thing about this church is we members stand behind those called, we support and sustain and the church/ward/stake rolls along. I sure hope for this when I am called to any calling, feeling inadequate and am in need of support and understanding.

I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to experience church life with these gals for the past year and a half! My deep thoughts are now being interrupted by my baby wanting to see Thomas on the computer, my laundry in the dryer, the un-made beds, the un-vacuumed floors and the thoughts that I need to see where my girls are! Thank you for reading through this exhausting blog! If you have come to the end understanding what I have said, then congrats! To me, it reads like a bunch of jumbled thoughts, but now they are on my blog and not in my head rolling around! Ciao!

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