Saturday, July 28, 2007

Family Fun Saturday!

What a day not to have my camera! But, the fact is...this family fun day wasn't planned at all. After getting everyone up to go clean the church at 8am, we ran home to mow the lawn. It took longer than usual because we hadn't mowed the back lawn in at least 2 weeks...maybe a little longer. After getting all cleaned up, we headed to SL to get my hair done!

Why am I going to SL to get my hair done? Because my cute friend who does my hair in Kville has had horrible, multiple kidney stones this week to the point that she's been in bed all week! They even found some strange bacteria throughout her entire body that had it not been found could have killed her! YIKES! So, I wasn't wanting to bug her about my horrible hair problems, called my former hair gal. I have so much grey hair these days that I want to have it done about every 4.5 weeks! End of hair story.

So, after hair therapy, it was early afternoon and we didn't really want to just run home. We took a ride through our old neighborhood, hoping to be able to see Jane. However, when we got to her house, we could tell it might not be a good time to just pop in because estranged hubby's car was also there. Long story, not appropriate for blog.

Still, perplexed about what to do, we headed north when my fun-loving hubby got an idea to take the kids to Park City to the Alpine Slide. We told the girls we had a surprise for the rest of the afternoon. After MANY questions, Amanda finally figured out where we were going. The guessing game did take a good 20 minutes, though.

We haven't been on the slide for a good 2 years and my how things have changed up that way. So much building and on the resort....many more things to do! The kids loved the Alpine Slide. Sydney said, "This is what I'm talking about, baby!" Who knows where she gets her stuff. Brandon rode with Mike. Sydney rode with Jill and Amanda was solo. She felt pretty cool with her own sled.

There is a new (or new to us) ride there called the Alpine Coaster. It's AWESOME! You have similiar looking carts to the ones you ride on the slide and a track and cable system pulls you up the mountain. The ride is quite relaxing and enjoyable. Then, you push your levers forward and off you go down the mountain! It weaves all over, has fun bumps and turns. The kids all loved it so much that we went twice. It's really pricey, but really fun!

The first time we rode, we didn't take Brandon because he was under-age (the second we decided it was safe enough). So, while Mike and Amanda went, I took B & Syd to get a drink and a snack.

This next event was called the ice cream nightmare! We go into a small cafe and walk to the counter. Brandon apparently didn't see me stop, runs into my big butt and falls on the floor hard! He starts screaming and I can't settle him down. So, I'm holding him and ordering ice cream for Sydney. One scoop cone. Well, of course the size isn't really one scoop and way too large for a 5 year old to handle. But, I am too busy ordering another ice cream for B, but ask for it to be in a cup. I also order a big drink to share. Brandon is still crying and I have to put him down to fill up the drink. Meanwhile, I'm not watching Sydney, but she isn't eating her ice cream and because it's rather warm in PC, it starts to melt all over her hand. I usher them outside to a table in the shade. When I finally notice Sydney, she is a huge mess! Ice cream all over her hands and dress. The 3 napkins I grabbed don't nearly clean the mess and now it's all over my hands, too. Brandon still crying. I take the ice cream and try to lick it down to size and back into the cone. Using my last napkin which is really soaked with ice cream, I then throw it into what I think it a garbage can. Sydney soon tells me I threw it into a garden (planter box). Brandon still crying and wanting his ice cream and the drink. After a few more adjustments, Sydney gets her ice cream back, but by the time she finishes it, she has ice cream all over her face (above her eyes even), all over her hands, down her arms, down the front of her dress. I give Brandon an empty ice cream cone to munch on (remember I did one smart thing and got a cup for his) which he promptly drops on the ground after 3 bites. Somehow, we finish enough of the treats to gather all the yucky napkins, including the one in the garden, and head to the bathrooms. We walk out of the bathrooms just in time to find Mike and Amanda anxiously telling us how much FUN they just had on the Alpine Coaster!

After all this fun, everyone was hungry for dinner, so we headed to Main Street. With no idea where we wanted to eat, we started walking and got pulled into 'visitors center' by Westgate Resorts. Has anyone had any experiences with them? They offered us a $25 night stay with free dinner to take the resort tour. Does anyone watch South Park? We don't........but, there is an episode where the main characters go to a timeshare presentation and are never allowed to leave. We were laughing so hard as we left that we are going to be living that episode! Mike is good at saying no, so I'm not worried about any pressure sale and it's a good excuse for a small get-away! The guy also gave us a free appetizer to a restaurant on Main, so we went to Cisero's...I think that was the name. It was great food and we ran into some neighbors while there.

The funny thing about a couple of these neighbors is that we run into them at dinnertime in restaurants all the time! Mostly closer to home, so it was a riot to see them all the way in PC.

Quite a fun day that was quite spontaneous. With 3 kids, we don't do many spontaneous things. I was glad that I had grabbed a couple of extra diapers before heading to SL. Now, all the little Arvys are tucked in bed, while I have to prepare to sub for the Primary chorister tomorrow morning! Ciao!


Do anything you can afford said...

It's fun to hear your adventures including the trials and mishaps. Loves, Mom

Do anything you can afford said...

It's fun to hear your adventures including the trials and mishaps. Loves, Mom

d.r. gib said...

That sounds like a crazy day, but a fun adventure. We will have to try the slide. was dinner yummy?

Jill said...

Dinner was really, really good. Even the mac&cheese that Sydney had was real penne pasta and alfredo. Finally a kid's meal worth the $$. Call us if you go again & we'll join ya!

Jamie and Family said...

That is fun stuff!!!

And by the way, when we were first married, we DID get sucked in by Westgate RESORTS and now we own a time share!!!!!!!