Thursday, February 19, 2009

B's new hair

I love this kid! We were working on his Star Wars transformers this morning. I'm clueless, but I try manipulating the transformer enough that it looks like I know what I'm doing. Brandon is a sweetheart and will usually go with whatever shape I get the thing in....even though it's not right!

The other day, I decided he needed a haircut. I wanted to grow it long to enjoy his cute curls, but it was puffy near the crown. When I went to the 'chop shop' haircut place and explained what I wanted, she deducted that I wanted short.
I thought, well, cut it short and then we'll grow it out again....but she went REALLY short!
I guess the upside is that I won't need to get him a haircut any time soon!


d.r. gib said...

I love having Zach's short, you won't have to worry about what it looks like for a while. One less thing to do before you leave the house.

Alisa said...

Super short hair or just short hair- either way, Brando's one cute little boy! And it will grow out before you know it.