Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jr. High School Musical!

Can you spot Amanda above and Sydney below?

The whole cast

These pictures are dark, but Amanda is the tallest in this picture. She is wearing her tiara that she got from the Lion House on her 8th birthday! Yea! It came in handy for something!

The girls performed in their singing group's production of Jr. High School Musical! Amanda was a Sharpay (they had a group of Sharpays) and Sydney was a cheerleader. Our cute Sydney also had strep throat and wasn't quite up to herself. However, she performed perfectly and just crashed when the show was over. Amanda had to sing a solo and did Fabulous! The girls have had so much fun doing this group and I feel bad, but we have pulled them out for awhile. We just need to simplify some things. I'm ok with not having to put together costumes anymore. Sydney's red felt skirt was quite a challenge, but I doctored it enough that it looked great on-stage.
Amanda saying her lines...
And singing her solo!

Mike's parents and my Mom made it up to the matinee (Dad was doing Bishop stuff). It was fun to share this time with them. Mike & Brandon went to the Disney show at the Delta Center....on the free tickets Darin got us, so they joined us at the nighttime show. Afterwards, we got some dinner and enjoyed hanging with our stars! Way to go, girls!

1 comment:

Cath said...

OK - so I just watched HS Musical for the first time. I know - just a bit behind, right? But wow - Sharpay Amanda?? We wish we could have seen you and Syd! Let us know next time you're dancing, singing solo! You two look darling! We love you!