Happy April! It is day #2 of BEAUTIFUL weather! Yesterday, I spent most of the day at the Conference Center in a YW meeting. It was an amazing meeting and I was teary most of the 3 hours I attended. I was so inspired, that I came home and wrote a WAY TOO LONG email to the other presidency members (they went last night), detailing what I got out of the meeting.
Our president was sweet and said she loved hearing what I thought, but she might just be humoring me! I'm not usually so long-winded in print (blogs don't count)......However, having attended this meeting I am even more so excited to listen to our leaders this weekend during General Conference!
When I left the conference, I called to see if Mike was available for lunch. I knew he had an appointment with Bailey's banker, but sometimes the guy cancels. No luck.
Then, I texted Rog & Darin because I knew they work downtown to see if they could go for lunch. No answers. So, I called their phones...just in case they were ignoring me. No answers.
And my parents were at the airport waiting to board a plane to Washington DC to visit Evan & Jamie. So, I drove through Crown Burger for old times sake! I used to work kiddie-corner from Crown at the Triad Center and on those days when there wasn't time for lunch, I would run over there for a take-out tuna sandwich. But, just so you know...it wasn't the same.
Roger did call me back just as I got home and wanted to go to lunch. We'll have to do it again sometime. It made me remember when he would stop by our house in Murray about lunchtime for a visit. He'd play with Amanda and I'd make us some lunch. I loved having him visit during the day. Roger is a fun guy and I'm lucky he's my brother.
Ok, I'm lucky I have 4 awesome brothers!
ANYWAY, Mike and I are still trying to make the transition from our PC to our Mac. After the data transfer our iTunes account won't work. He had to take it into the Apple store and they don't know what happened or how to fix it. While he was doing that, I took a Sydney to Kmart to buy Justin Bieber pj's so that she could wear them to school today, dragged crying Brandon along and then picked up the soccer carpool.
By the time Mike got home from Apple, we decided to get some other programs up and running on the Mac. He worked on Quicken and then we worked on getting our calendar up. This took us until 1am! (We didn't start all that early, but there was a lot of info to get on there!) Mike kept saying, there is too much going on...we have to make this easier on you. He was so sweet the other night, too, when he brought up that we were so concerned about Amanda being overscheduled (she's dropped 2 activities, but comp soccer is revving up again), but he said that I am overscheduled, too. I told him, I agreed....the only problem is that the Mom can't drop anything! By the way, he's overscheduled, too. But, that's just how life goes and it makes us appreciate the vacations that much more!
So, by the time we went to bed, Mike was doing stuff in the bathroom and noticed that our prankster 12 year old had saran wrapped our toliet! He laughed and laughed and thanked goodness that it wasn't the middle of the night, and then went to wake Amanda up and tell her it was time for school! He almost had her up, but I stopped him. I was so tired and I hate waking up sleeping kids. Always have. So, you would think she'd owe me one because I saved her last night. Well,

this is what I found when I went to get ready after everyone had gone to school. Nice. Toothpaste in the sink. Funny.....so, I quickly emailed Mikey and told him that it was payback time. We are starting with taking everything out of her room, clothes, shoes, justin bieber, and if Mikey can swing getting home for lunch, we are moving her bed into the family room! Good times! She will start remembering Mike's infamous warning, 'Mess the with bull, you're gonna get the horns!' Happy April Fools Day!
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