A beautiful morning and the kids even let us sleep in until about 8am! We had a nice, calm morning. A neat day at church....except for one event which I will explain after this Sunday....and a great ham dinner! I don't remember making ham for dinner before, but it turned out great! We then headed to Salt Lake to visit both sets of Grandparents!

No eating PEEPS! in the car again this year!

Lots of treats and new pjs for summer (it would be nice to get a little warm weather!)

Wow! Justin Bieber nail polish! Ninja Zhu Zhu pets! Thank you Easter Bunny!

Our cute boys! Love that Brandon's shirt is already untucked before we even got to church! They look so handsome in their matching ties!

The loves of my life!

Ok, there is a great picture! And the sun was out!
What does that 3rd sentence mean?! I'm going through a bagillion scenarios in my brain right now. I am realizing as I type this that there is an organization due for a change any day now...
Well, Heidi...now you know...blah. I was so excited to work with you in YW! :(
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