Here is B with some of his friends getting ready to run!
It was a good time, short but sweet, and then we were on to a busy Saturday! We wanted to do yardwork, but it was way to wet and cold for that. Mike and I just got some new bedroom furniture, so we brought that in (we had it delivered to the garage since we weren't ready to move in yet) and we took the Mac downtown for repair to our iTunes again! While we were waiting for the techy guy to 'start over', we got some sushi as Happy Sumo (yum!) and enjoyed our little date. None of the kids wanted to come with us-so this is what they miss! We then went to the furniture place and picked up a new mattress for Brandon (his old one was awful to sleep on if you are older than 3) and headed home.
I took Amanda out shopping for last minute Easter Sunday items. I got Mike & B matching ties this year. B picked them out and was soooo excited about it. But, he needed a white shirt, so that they would be matchy matchy. Amanda needed shoes and tights and I had nothing at all.
While we were out shopping, Elise was texting and wanting Mike & me to go to dinner with them! We probably should have stayed home or gone down to pick up our computer, but it's hard to resist dinner with the Jensens!
Amanda and I headed home and then Mike & I left again! We had a great time with Darin & Elise at dinner and of course, stayed long past the time we had finished eating...until the place closed! When we got home, we still needed to color Easter eggs and all the kids were awake and ready to get busy even though it was 10:30!
Yea! Time to color!

Maybe next year we will have to do it on Friday night or right after the neighborhood egg hunt
This boy doesn't seem to mind, though! We also tried to do something special each day of this last week to remember Christ. We did great on Sunday and Monday, but then Mike was out of town until Wednesday and after that, we totally lost focus. I will do much better on this next year also.....mark my words...or at least remind me of my words!
We didn't even color easter eggs this year!! ;)
Thank you, Heidi....exactly what I needed to hear from a woman who always looks to have it all together!
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