Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Pop is having a birthday!

My Dad's birthday is Tuesday, but he's going to be out of town, so we partied on Saturday. My Mom got brave and contacted McKenzie's mom to see if she could come to our family party! We were so excited that she actually came! The girl cousins had such a great time together! Their favorite thing to do is play in Papa's motorhome. We were also excited that when it was time for McKenzie to go, she voluntarily gave us all hugs! It was so great and I hope that we get more contact with her now that she lives in SL. Anyway, back to the party. We all pitched in and gave my Dad a GPS for his car. He was really excited! Of course, the party is not complete without the Gib's rowdy rendition of Happy Birthday. It's a classic, believe me. Fun times with our families this weekend!

The birthday kids! Dad, Aidan and McKenzie during Happy Birthday!
Sydney, McKenzie and Amanda with blue faces from the flowers on the cake...silly girls!
Lagoon on Friday night with the Arvys!

Brandon likes the boats! He's with Emily and this is the best picture I could get. Sydney and Brandon waiting in line. I loved how Sydney took care of Brandon by holding both hands. Good big sis!
Riding the helicopters with KelseySydney and Brandon on the Butterfly swings. Amanda was doing big kid rides. She and the cousins did the Tidal Wave and big Swings over and over for about an hour! I was getting sick just watching them!

Friday night we went to Lagoon with the Arvy's. We had a good time and afterward Scott & Kellie's kids came home with us so that S&K could celebrate their wedding anniversary. The kids had a blast! But, I'll tell you the one reason I hate takes our kids 2 days to get caught back up on sleep and they are cranky until that happens. Poor Amanda tonight was just so emotional and tired! I put them all to bed early and she went right out. Ok, I'm tired tonight because I'm not making much sense! So, just look at the pretty pictures our crazy camera gives us and enjoy!
The sleep over kids showing us their best sides!

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

Those navigations are the BEST and I also hate how long it takes for kids to catch up on sleep! I never understood why my mom was so hesitant for sleepovers when I was a kid, but now I get it!
