Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's so beautiful!

(Ugh! If anyone knows how I save the picture once I rotate it, let me know! I thought I had it this time and I didn't! I even changed the name and saved it in a separate file..right side up! So, sorry if you get a crick in your neck from trying to catch the vision of this beautiful piece of paved paradise!)

Look at it! How beautiful! We have honestly be trying to get someone to pour concrete on the side of our house for 8 months! Finally, we got someone to do it and after waiting 3 weeks, they came today! I was giddy! I'm so glad to have this finished and to get rid of the mud. I will also be glad to have our gate put back on so the dog can run free in the backyard and also so it will contain Brandon in the backyard! So, happy day!

We had the kids put their handprints in the concrete. Brandon didn't quite get it, but the girls really liked it!

Now, if anyone would like to walk into our backyard from the north side without getting your shoes dirty, come on in!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

Looks so good. I LOVE cement and that looks like a great job!!! We had crappy cement poured a couple years ago....sooooo not worth the money savings!!!!!!
