Wednesday, June 20, 2007

50 Fun Things About Us that are MORE fun than D&K's

Just kidding! I just read D&K's list of fun things and their title is 'These Facts are more fun than yours!" So, in keeping in the competitive are my 'mostest funnest things'.

1. Our girls know the Utah fight song word for word and we are teaching Brandon. We learned it in a FHE!
2. We have the most beautiful kids in the world!
3. Mike and I are both Cottonwood Colts
4. Mike was a Rocker in h.s. and I was a waver. If you are too young to know what those mean, then DON'T ASK ME! You'll make me feel old.
5. I am a Mom and a piano teacher
6. Mike is a CFO
7. We only have brothers
8. Our favorite treat is Sushi. We go get take-out so much that the girl knows me!
9. We love to travel
10. We love to go to St. George
11. Mike has done a triathalon and wants to do more
12. Mike wants Jill to do a tri.....hmmmmm
13. We love to go boating
14. Mike drives an old man car and it's our FAVORITE!
15. Jill is a chocoholic
16. We have been married 15 years
17. We love to watch Amazing Race
18. When we see a Jeep we miss Steven's old Jeep. Oh wait...our old Jeep!
19. We are both U of U grads
20. Both Jill's parents are U of U well as 2 brothers
21. Mike's Dad is a U of U grad-as well as all of his brothers
22. Our little Brandon has already broken a bone and had stitches
23. Brandon has a U of U room (now who is the bigger fan bros?)
24. The girls share a purple fairy room
25. Our new school is called Snow Horse...true.
26. Mike is the Activites Chairman and perma substitute in church
27. Jill is RS Sec & Activities Chairman
28. Mike & Steven like to tease each other about a certain issue constantly
29. Mike's grandma is 91 years old
30. Jill is on the PTA Board (scary thought)
31. Our girls are overscheduled: ballet, soccer, tumbling, singing & piano
32. We love to go out to eat
33. Jill hates to see any cupboard open
34. Mike once came home at lunch (when Jill wasn't home) and opened all the cupboards and gave Jill a heart-attack
35. Mike has only had one cavity
36. Jill has cavities in all my teeth
37. Jill hates ironing
38. Jill hates cleaning bathrooms
39. Jill likes to mow the lawn
40. The girls love 'High School Musical', Hannah Montana, and Zack & Cody
41. Amanda can swim like a fish
42. Amanda once got stitches from knee boarding
43. Mike likes yard work
44. Sydney likes to throw parties for her friends
45. Sydney is excited to start school in the fall
46. We love spending time with our families
47. We love spending time with our kids
48. We love spending time together
49. We love fireworks
50. We know we are very blessed!

And so are you because you are done reading this list! ttfn


d.r. gib said...

I do not like the cupboards open either. Nor droors or closets.

Close what you open, people!

d.r. gib said...

I really did just spell "drawers" "droors".

I miss sleep.

Jill said...

Ditto on the closets and drawers! I'm glad I'm not the only one in my obessions. I miss spell check on my blog! Go droors! It's amazing what sleep deprivation will do! I have put cereal boxes in the fridge and crayons in the freezer before! Jill

Hillary said...

Odd that there is no mention of Mike's gayness


Jamie and Family said...

I am totally laughing at it all, includin the "gayness" comment. Too funny. And Tucker was just saying today how cool it would be to do a triathalon...and if he could really ever do it. I didn't know Mike had done one! And my girl love HS Musical too! Fun list!


d.r. gib said...

I am sad to have 2 gay uncles--Zach

And Makayla has a U of U boppie cover, she is the biggest fan, along with Emma and Lydia, they have one too.

Jill said...

Yes, but a boppy is only good for a few months. B's room will last forever! Score, Arvy's.