Thursday, September 4, 2008


Last week when the girls returned to school, Mike asked me if I felt lonely.
I responded that I didn't really.
I mean I missed the girls a lot, but I still have Brandon to keep me company.
Well, that all changed yesterday! Brandon has started preschool.
Two hours for 3 days a week. Really not too big of a deal.
But, yesterday, he went to his friend, Matthew's, house right after preschool.
I didn't have any kids with me from 9:45am to 2:25pm!
It was the weirdest feeling......

I walked around the house in circles. Not productive at all. I used to always think that if I could just have the kids somewhere else for a few hours, then I would get so much done.

Not yesterday!
I spent time talking to friends on the phone and
slowly cleaning up our bedroom.
That's it!

I feel like a chapter in my life is over.
The part where I have small children with needs that consume my entire day.
Now, ALL my children are busy.
They all have little lives that exist beyond Mommy.
And although a part of my heart aches because I will miss them being little,
I can't help but rejoice in the fact that
Brandon LOVES preschool.
A huge smile accompanies his return each day as he tells me what they did at school.
"We played Duck, (pause), Duck (more pausing), GOOSE!"
I try to share my day with Brandon,
but it isn't as interesting to him as Duck, Duck, Goose was to me.

I rejoice in the fact that

Sydney LOVES school and has a fun teacher who gets that little ones need to be social and chat. She encourages it! Bless her.

I'm so glad that Sydney has found her fears from the week before to be unfounded.
She misses me because she's gone all day, but she can do it!
And she's thriving!

I rejoice in the fact that
Amanda is happy!
In this time of her life, as her body is changing and most of her friends are not,
I see her embracing her tallness! (She's a good head taller than all her friends).
I see her confident and able to handle the little issues that come with growing up.
I love that she can play soccer and then turn around and do ballet and sing/act.
And for now, she still likes her parents.
She still comes for big, long hugs and wants to talk.
I rejoice in the fact that
Mikey gets it.
He knows what I'm talking about.
He loves our kids, too.
And when there is a time that I can't 'deal' he steps right in
saves the day.
I think maybe I have been able to ponder a little more this week.
Perhaps that's the reason for the post.
Most of the time I feel too busy to think.
But I have been thinking
and I know
I have a great life!


d.r. gib said...

You deserve a few days to embrace your "free" time. You will have all school year to be productive, plus your summer has been CRAZY!!! Take a few days to breath. Notice I did not say a few days off, that will never happen.

Have fun, start reading the Twilight series again, just for fun.

Jamie and Family said...

Jill, this is a great post! I love how you wrote what you wrote.

I am feeling this just a tiny bit with two kids out of three in school most the day. Peyton is still clingy, being that she is not quite 2 yet. But I'm seeing the next "chapter" and realizing that each one has it's strengths and weaknesses :-)

Staci said...

Such a sweet post! I love what you had to say about the kids! I can relate completely. As Tate has started preschool this week I am a bit sad as well... but love seeing the excitement and pride in his eyes as he enters this new phase of his life. Thanks for the wonderful message! We love you guys!

Staci said...

p.s. I got your message about St. George! We weren't able to make it down unfortunately... would have been fun to hook up with you. Let's make that happen one of these days! We are always game for some R&R in ST GORGEOUS!

Makell said...

Such a great post - I think it's so surreal when you see a chapter in your life closing and realize that you never saw it coming! It's a great thing, though, to be able to be so grateful for all that is happening with them right now.

I had the same experience when my kids were gone for a weekend -I thought I would get so much done. I wasn't really productive and I guess I didn't know quite what to do with myself. The life of a mom...