A storm trooper and R2D2 stuffed dolls.
Seems little Brando decided to come to Earth on the same day the last Star Wars movie opened. I just thought it was cute that Daddy had found some cute boy, soft toys that a baby could eventually play with and not poke his eye out. 
And that they can hang out at night and watch guy shows.
May the Force be with You!

Fast forward 3 years and roughly 4 months later when Mikey asks me tonight if I remember loving these movies as kids. He said he always wanted the girls to really like these shows (they are indifferent), but he loves that Bubba is obessesed with Star Wars!
And that they can hang out at night and watch guy shows.
Here is our nightly ritual:
Brandon: Dad, let's watch Star Wars!
Dad: Ok, which one?
Brandon: The one with the scary guy and the one guy.
Dad: With Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker?
Brandon: Ya
Then, they watch.
Then, Dad falls asleep.
Then, Brandon watches the rest of the show
unless I turn it off because he needs to go to sleep
and I want my spot in the bed back!
Oh my goodness...dejavu! Granted, my Brandon is a bit older and wasn't born the day the last Star Wars movie came out. But I remember Bryan trying to get the girls interested in Star Wars (they weren't then but are now) and being thrilled when he realized we were going to have a boy that he could share his love of Star Wars with. And boy, does my Brandon LOVE Star Wars...just like yours, it looks like. How funny.
Ok, that is really cute! I don't think we'll ever even understand half of the "guy thing"! Starts young too!! Mike and Brando are awesome!
That's cute!
Ethan is OBSESSESED with Star Wars and Lego Star Wars....let's hook 'em up one time!
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