We are teaching Brandon to sit while he's learning the potty process. It has definitely cut down on the mess, but I have been wishing that it was the norm for boys of all ages to sit! Here's why:
Brandon has 2 friends over right now. One friend needed to potty. I asked if he needs help...he says no. I check the bathroom once he's finished. I think he was playing SPRINKLER! There was pee EVERYWHERE! Not just around the potty vicinity, but over by the sink and door...WHAT? I'm wondering if he knew there was a potty in the same room! So, there I was, cleaning the same bathroom that was scrubbed yesterday. Yuck!
That reminded me of another time the kids had a friend over. He went to use the potty. This was the same bathroom which we kept the puppy's kennel in. Apparently, the kennel was of some interest to said boy because there was pee all over the kennel and not one drop in the toliet! Another fun clean up...I just took it outside and sprayed the heck out of it and then Lysol'd the heck out of it.
I know we are just getting started and we are up for a lifetime of 'sprinkers'...I'm saying a little prayer right now for all those who clean up pee! Amen.
Oh Jill. I feel for you. I HATE cleaning toilets. It's the chore I hate the most. I'm so sorry you had to not only do it twice it two days but also clean up pee that did not come from one of your own kids! As bad as cleaning up your own kids mess...it's somehow worse when it's from someone not related to you!! :) Good luck with the potty training!
I am always wondering how Carolyn Dickson did it with EIGHT boys!!! She is a Saint.
Oh my... I agree that cleaning neighbor boys pee gives that certain dry heave... With Brandon... try letting him put cheerios in the toilet... Tate likes to use them for target practice! Hey... cheerios don't just lower cholesterol! Love ya cuz! Good luck!
I'm laughing out loud right now picturing that kid in your bathroom havin a hayday- there is nothin worse than cleaning up other peoples pee! I feel your pain~~ I would have loved to have chatted more tonight at the dinner - let's go out soon!
Oh, Jill. Can I just tell you........ugh. We were able to teach Ryan to sit down when he was little, but they only way we could teach Greg was to let him stand up- now everyone knows to check the toilet before sitting down- we've all learned that the hard way! EWWWW! We keep trying to teach him to wipe up after himself, but it's like talkin' to the wall! Good job on getting Brandon to sit down. Hopefully he won't learn how to write his name with it any time soon!
No one tell Zach that boys do this. He has been going standing up for 4 or 5 months and it is so much easier for me, but he has not missed the potty yet. Also, make sure when he is sitting down that his tweener is pointing ALL the way down, the pee can come out between the seats and get all over the floor. This does happen often at our house. Way to go Bubba!!!!
Oh boy! . . . what I have to look forward to. Meet ya there in about 2 years.
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