Monday, September 15, 2008

Never try this at home

Guess what I did today? I washed a disposable diaper! I think maybe it was left in a pair of Brandon's pants and put in the laundry basket. I highly discourage you from washing disposable diapers....WHAT A MESS!
I took all the clothes that were in that load outside to shake the gel beads (or whatever those squishy things are) loose from the clothes before I wash them again.
This action COVERED me in gel much so that I had to take a shower!

I am now in the process of washing my washer. I'm going to try my favorite, LemiShine! I use this in my dishwasher whenever the glasses start looking cloudy. My friend says you can use it in your washing machine, per her repair man. I figure if those little gel beads are stuck in the 'holes' we could have some problems. So, I'm bringing out the big guns! (That would be the LemiShine).
(I was excited to find that The Pioneer Woman also uses and loves LemiShine!)
I'll let you know how everything turns out!


d.r. gib said...

I have never heard of lemi-shine, I am interested to hear what happens.

Alisa said...

I'm sorry, Jill, but that is so funny! I can't even imagine the mess that thousands of little absorbent balls could make (and I DO feel bad for you about that)! Oh, man. I hope they don't ruin your relatively new washer! I've never heard of Lemi Shine- and we have a major hard water problem. Where do you find it? How do you use it? I think we need some! Good luck with the mess. I hope it all comes out ok. Just think....your lawn is going to retain it's moisture for some time to come.......

Staci said...

Oh MY!! I am so sorry! I know those things can hold enough water to fill a bathtub. Then when they do finally burst!!! Ugggh. I have never heard of lemi-shine either. I am interested to know how it comes out! I know this was probably so crazy... but it's fun to read about! The regular life non-edited! Too funny what Alisa said about the lawn... Maybe you're on to something with that.....?? $$ Love ya!

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Hey Jill, where do you find that lemi-shine? I totally need some of that for our dish washer. We actually had a mess with our clothes washer this week too. One of my bathroom rugs fell apart in the washer and all the gunk on the underside clogged up the holes. Bryan had to take the whole thing apart to unclog everything. Hopefully your washer won't take as much work!!

Do anything you can afford said...

Too funny while being a whole lot maddening! Hope the Lemishine works, too. I, li ke everyone else, have never heard of it, but it makes sense that something with lemon in it would clean and freshen. Good luck - we'll wait for the report.

Alisa said...

They actually do make a lawn fertilizer with those in them. That's what's in the Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil! In case anyone was wondering....although the temple square gardeners tested it out and found that it actually makes no difference whatsoever except for the higher cost.