Earlier today, Amanda said to me, "Mom, this is a great day!"
First reason she gave me was that her Daddy was coming home today!
Amanda loves her Dad!
She came with me to the airport to get him and was so happy to see him! Daddy brought the kids cute, cowboy/girl shirts from Calgary.Second, she scored the first goal today in her soccer game!
It was an 8am game (early!) and a tad chilly, but she played great! We had treats today and I had to bring the wagon to transport the cooler because they played on a field far away from parking. After the game, I gave Amanda and her friend, Brinley, the royal treatment and pulled them in the wagon. They sat on top of the cooler and looked like they were riding in a parade.
Third, she tried-out for her ballet school's production of
'The Nutcracker' and MADE IT!
The try-out process is filled with drama. Last year was the first year she could try out and she didn't make it. She handled it beautifully, though, and we talked about not giving up and how it doesn't mean the world is ending and how in life we don't always get what we want, but there is usually a good reason for it. All these things and the fact that she's tall...they try-out according to height...which means she didn't try out with anyone in her age group, but was trying out with her friends older sisters, which included our favorite babysitter!
So, this year, she wasn't sure if she wanted to try-out. I told her that Daddy and I support her no matter what she chooses. She decides not to...goes to ballet...her friends talk her into trying out! So, she got measured and again isn't in any group with her friends, but is again trying out with her friend's sisters, and her favorite babysitter!
As I was driving her to the audition, she told me her tummy felt weird. So, I had the opportunity to talk about 'butterflies' and nerves and how to breathe in through your nose...out through your mouth! Also, stand with good ballet posture and smile!
As a parent, you aren't allowed to watch the audition. You stand outside the ballet studio when it's over and wait for your daughter to come outside with a paper in her hand that says, Yes you made it....or Sorry, you didn't make it.
Amanda's three little friends were waiting for their auditions and stood outside to see Amanda when she came out. I was worried how she would react to them if she didn't make it (because they probably all will again this year-short girls=lots of parts).
She came out, saw them, read her paper and it said:
Congratulations! You have earned a spot in this year's Nutcracker!
Amanda was the underdog and she came out on top this time. She was bawling (happy tears) and I could tell it was a combination of happiness and relief from a high stress day. Then, my friends who were waiting for their daughters, came over, found out she made it and started to cry and hug her, too!
Did I say the try-out process is full of drama?
We are proud of you Amanda! (Always, not just today)
PS: Anyone want to buy tickets....we now are required to sell 15! Oiy!
Tell Amanda congratulations - that is awesome!! Email me with the info on the dates and times - I'd love to get some tix and take Eva.
Way to go Manda-Panda!!! We are also very proud of you, not just today. We would but tickets but we will be watching our Utes crush some cougars. Sorry :{
Congratulations Amanda! I got your message today and was so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you then. It will be lots of work, but lots of fun, too. You'll do a great job. We are proud of you.
When is the performance? If we can make it, we'd love to come and see it. Let me know when it is and how much the tickets are. :)
Way to go Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!
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