Thursday, September 11, 2008

A good thinker thought

Just sitting here cruising blogs and thinking about updating mine with events that happened 2 weeks ago, when I came across Pioneer Woman. I love the last paragraph of her post today. I think one of the reasons I enjoy her is that she is back to the simple life. Where pretty much what you see is what you get. Where you don't have to worry about the trivial things that consume our day. Where kids can play and entertain themselves all day without being 'bored' or holding a video game in their hand. I sound like I'm a 100 years old, but I could see myself living this way...interesting, huh...

"As someone who grew up in a residential area on a golf course and lived for years in big, exciting Los Angeles, I especially cherish these reminders that exist around me now—reminders that there was once a time in America when slick feed trucks and prefab steel barns weren’t all the rage, when mega houses and SUV’s weren’t seen on every street…and when decency, resourcefulness, hard work, and kindness were the measure of a person’s success.
But then, the wide-eyed optimist in me knows that we still live in that place. We just have to remind one another every once in awhile."

Ok, ponder....