Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I used to love the rain...

The nightmare...and this is a very tame picture. It's usually much worse.
Rain storms like the one last night with big booming thunder and lightening in the middle of the night used to be my favorite! Now, I dread them.
Ever since we moved in 2.5 years ago, we have had a problem with a bad grade on the south side of our house. There is a low point right by our window well and the water cannot run to the street. The other problem is the low point in the commons area that also drains into our yard. We fought with the builder (Symphony) and they said it wasn't their problem, etc. and it was never fixed. (Go figure).

So, everytime it rains, we are stuck at our house with our temporary solution to this problem. A pump from Home Depot that we turn on and off when needed.

Last night, I tried to stay awake to do the 'pump' because Mike was leaving early in the morning and driving to Vegas via St. George with Kerry and Reed. He really needed to sleep. Amanda, who is terrified of storms, woke up and was trying to sleep in our recliner just in front of the window we open to look out at the pool of water under it. Needless to say, she didn't sleep well and I didn't sleep well and Mike only got slightly more sleep than us.

Luckily, Brandon and Sydney slept through it all!

I let Amanda stay home this morning in case she was tired. She and Sydney helped me with Brandon's playgoup this morning. We are about to take them both to school and I'm hoping for a little nappy with Brandon.

So, although I know we need the rain....I'm praying for it to least until we get the guy we hired to fix our unwanted pond feature.


Do anything you can afford said...

So sorry about the rain problem. I only heard one loud crack of thunder but it sounded very close. Stay dry!! Ha Ha

Hillary said...

Ooh, good luck with all of that, sounds like a big pain!!! Hopefully you can get it fixed permanently so you can go back to enjoying those big storms.

Blogger won't let me upload any pics either-what a pain...

d.r. gib said...

how long have you not been able to post pictures? I did just the other day. hmmm. I am sorry about the water. I have heard that many home building companies do that. they build the homes and wash their hands of it after that. What jerks. and to fight it would take more time and money then just fixing it. That is what they bank on. Good luck! It is supposed to keep raining, so give Amanda some sleepy medicine!

Chris Grover said...

That was quite the storm and I can only imagine how fun it is to have to pump all that water out! Pretty soon that will be a pile of snow! Are you ready for that?! I'm not sure if I am!

Jamie and Family said...

Wow, what a pain! The builder said it wasn't their prob? I think its extra frustrating to have such probs with a NEW house!

Jill said...

Definately not ready for snow!