Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just a little thought...or two

My friend, Makell, sent this to me the other day. I'm feeling like it's a good day/week for this quote! Enjoy
Many homemakers find (Martha) Stewart "scary" because they know they can never measure up to her standards, says Elaine Bloom of A Place For Everything, an organizing company that offers people advice on how to get more order in their home lives. Instead, homemakers are giving up the ideal of having "the perfectly decorated home and the most beautiful cupcakes" in exchange for more time to spend with families or on other pursuits that bring them satisfaction, Bloom says.

Also, my visiting teachers were by yesterday and gave a great lesson with the focus being on the quote: "To be a righteous woman during the winding up scenes on this earth, before the second coming of our Savior, is an especially noble calling. The righteous woman's strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times. She has been placed here to help to enrich, to protect,

and to guard the home

-which is society's basic and most noble institution. Other institutions in society may falter and even fail, but the righteous woman can help to save the home, which may be the last and only sanctuary some mortals know in the midst of storm and strife." Pres. Kimball

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

Whew. Overwhelming and comforting all at once. Thanks!