Sunday, October 7, 2007

Conference Weekend

I'm always a little sad when conference is over. Maybe it's because during the 2 days worth of speakers, I usually get to hear something, as opposed to the 3 hours of church on Sunday, where I usually get to hear zero. But, it is more than that. It's getting to hear from our Prophet and other leaders. The message in their talks is always so simple to understand and inspires me to want to do better in my life.

The other things I like about conference weekend are the get-togethers. A week ago my Mom and I got together to go to the Relief Society meeting in the conference center. It was pouring rain and the only umbrella we have is a Disney princess pink one. But, I used it and didn't feel too stupid. As soon as the first song started, both my Mom and I were in tears. We are just that way.....touched by beautiful things and then our eyes start to leak! We topped off the evening with dinner at The Dodo...ummmmmmm, delish!

Mike always goes to Priesthood session downtown with his Dad and his brothers. This has been a tradition ever since I've known him. This year, his Dad was out of town, but promised to buy the boys dinner still. All the local boys went, plus Brock (who is 14) and afterward they went to Flemings for dinner...telling themselves that 'Dad would tell us to get whatever we want!' They did and they had a great time.

When Mike goes with his family, I usually take the kids and go with my family. My Mom has been hosting the girls night for awhile. We now stay at her house and order dinner in as there are too many little ones running around. My kids and I were soooo sad that we didn't make it this time because it was pouring rain ALL day and with our flooding problem at our house, I couldn't leave. We would have come home to a flooded basement. We are in talks with a contractor to fix it, but it won't be a quick fix.

We did have a minor injury today, though. On our second walk of the day, we went to the playground in the common area. The kids were playing and all of a sudden Amanda was screaming. She had been climbing on part of the playground and it came off! It took her down hard as well as giving her a fat lip, bleeding gums or teeth somewhere...we couldn't tell where, a red mark on her cheek, black and blue bump between her eyes and a huge bump right on top of her head! Poor thing! I'm hoping she doesn't look so beat up in the morning as it's her birthday tomorrow!

So, goodbye conference weekend! Mike asked me if I thought President Hinckley would make it to April conference and I said yes. Pres. Hinckley was cute at the close of his talk saying he is now 97 years old and hopes to make it to the next one. I'm betting he'll make it to 100!

1 comment:

d.r. gib said...

This was a great conference. I did not hear any of Saturday because of work, but all of the talks yesterday were great. As usual. Good luck with the rain coming in. Tell Amanda we hope she feels better from her crash and Happy Birthday