Saturday, October 27, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

And the sad thing is....there isn't much interesting to tell. But, I'll give it a try. First, the rules:

1. Each person list 6 facts/habits about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for the rules.

1. I have worn glasses or contacts since Kindergarten. I'm blind as a bat! It's really sad for me. I had my eye doc do a little test to see if I could get laser corrective surgery and he said my cornea is too thin, so no. (Mike still wants me to go to where his was done for an exam). It would fulfill a lifelong dream to be able to see without assistance. One of my big fears is that one of our kids will have my eye issues. I don't like to read much because it's hard to see. And, now that I'm a little older, I can't see things too close! (Don't EVEN say bifocals!)

2. I don't like cupboards left open. I did reveal this on my 50 list, so it's not really new, but it's still true.

3. I love to vacation. Not all that interesting, but it really doesn't matter where I go....just as long as I'm on vacation. Sometimes when I was working, I would take a 'day' vacation....ok, more than sometimes. I would take a 'sick & tired' day and just chill by myself. It would be nice to be able to take a 'sick & tired' today once in awhile now. I'm glad I took advantage of it then.

4. My friend, Daneise, once got me hooked on QVC and I was addicted! Seriously, they have 'solutions' to problems you never knew you had! I have weaned myself from QVC now (haven't ordered from them since we moved to Kville), but I find myself watching their Christmas product shows a lot right now. I almost broke down and ordered some lighted porch trees (battery operated-BRILLIANT!) the other day, but I held strong.
'I (used to) Q, do you?' (Hopefully, you've seen their commerical and aren't thinking I've lost it).

5. I prefer to watch movies that are comedies or romantic comedies. I don't like horror, drama, sci-fi or anything too deep. I think you watch a movie to escape everyday reality and there is too much drama and scary stuff out there in real life. One exception is 'Lord of the Rings,' which I didn't think I would like, but I really do! And 'Pirates'...but I'm not sure what category they would fit into. However, I will totally be into 'Twilight' when it becomes a movie.

6. I love my family! I love to spend time with Mike and the kids and it doesn't matter what we do. It could be going to Home Depot, boating or watching tv. I just love to be with them. I also think that my brothers are super-funny. No one gets me giggling like they do when they get on a roll. Everyone else probably thinks we're stupid, but maybe that's what's so funny!

NOW-I tag Staci, Stacie, Kellie O, Phil O, Makell, and Gaylord!


Hillary said...

So, when you say Gaylord, are you referring to your Gaylord or mine? In my mind, Mike's Gaylord, but I'm not sure if Steve is Gaylord in your mind. Just want to clarify incase Steve needs to do this ;)

Jill said...

It Steve Gaylord, because I never call my man Gaylord! Do you? jk...yep, give Steve this assignment!

Phil, Kellie and Drew said...

I don't have 6 interesting facts to tell about! You are killing me! I am so bad at this stuff! Maybe I will do Phil's and he can do mine...

Phil, Kellie and Drew said...

QVC - are you kidding me? THAT is funny. About LASIK - I was told the same thing about my eyes, but I got a second opinion at Hoopes and have been glasses and contacts free for a year and a half. I LOVE it!

Jill said...

YEA! There is hope! Hoopes is where Mike went, so I'm making an appointment! Thanks, Kellie!

Jill said...

And, don't laugh at QVC until you try.......hee, hee

d.r. gib said...

those were great. And when all of the Gibson's get together the siblings are funny, and a little weird. Just kidding, they make me laugh really hard too.

d.r. gib said...

maybe we should add something about eating powder cake mix, that is funny too.

Jill said...

Yes, but should we let out all our dark secrets? Or just keep the 'cake' one to ourselves! It is a classic!

Makell said...

I didn't know you were so blind!! We could really have fun with that.
I was going to tell you about a great idea for your cabinet fetish (about keeping them closed) - they have an inexpensive install on the hinge that will allow you to only close the door halfway and then it closes by itself. It's supposed to save all the banging of the cabinets to help them last longer and it will always keep them closed! I currently have 4 broken cabinets...I'm looking into it!