Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mom and Sydney time

Yesterday, Sydney and I had the rare moment that we were home together ALONE! So, perfect time for Sydney to paint Mommy's fingernails! Stacie & Dan gave the girls cute baskets full of girly stuff like nail polish for their birthdays. Sydney had been painting her nails and her friend's nails. I was so lucky to be treated to a 'polish' by Syd! Don' they look fabulous!?!

Sydney also got alone time with Daddy yesterday as it was her date night. They went to McDonald's (definately Syd's choice) and to get slushies. Good day for Sydney!

Also, I had to laugh right out loud this morning and here's the story. I hate getting up out of bed anytime before 6am. I love mornings. But, I hate to get up early to go to the gym. I'm sure most people that go that early in the morning also hate it, but see....I have a severe motivation problem! I give into the temptation to hit snooze, cuddle up next to Mike and just wait until the kids wake up before I start my day!
So, this week, I told myself that I could get up early for 2 days to make it to the weight classes I like at my gym. I did it! (Give me a star, it's those little accomplishments that give me warm fuzzies), and seriously, it was like an "early workout gal" reunion! A handful of workout buddies, as well as 5 gals from the neighborhood. I almost enjoyed myself! This morning, Kristen, the instructor shouted as I was leaving, "You're back, Jill!" As in, she's coming again...or maybe: Jill's in the workout frame of mind again....not as in "Yippee, you're here!" I just laughed right out loud at her....maybe it was because it was so stinking early and my brain was not functioning. Maybe it was the loss of blood flow to the brain after laying on my back, throwing the exercise ball in the air and catching it with my feet or maybe it's because Ok, I guess I can use that as motivation to come again next week....I said, "Yep, Kristen, I'm back." ...and I'm sleepy! Where's the snoozzzzzzzzeeeeee......


Chris Grover said...

Oh I have to give you MAJOR credit! I HATE getting up early! Especially to work out! So, you deserve a million gold stars for that! Love the fingernails!

Staci said...

Hey Cuz!! I am so proud of you! I am THE worlds worst morning person! I need to start working out SO bad, but cannot get motivated! You are an inspiration! I LOVE YA! And I love being able to keep in touch with you through blogging! We would love to go see the witches next week. I work all day Tuesday and 2-5 on Wednesday, but any other time would work great! Let me know.

Staci said...

P.S. Thanks for the cute welcome into the land of blogging! And give the girls and Brandon hugs from me!