Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Birthday AMANDA!

Amanda's birthday week started with our traditional Mrs. Backers cake! The kids and I went to the bakery on Saturday when Mike went to Priesthood meeting. They enjoyed their gingerbread cookies again. They even passed up the Halloween sugar cookies. The girls did say these gingerbread cookies were a little stale. You know, I have always thought that about the cookies I get from Mrs. Backers. Our homemade ones are way better.....but back to birthday week! We celebrated as our little family on Sunday.
On Monday, Grandma and Papa Gibson came up to celebrate since this was Amanda's actual birthday. We had a great homemade cake and Amanda wouldn't smile for the camera, so I just take the picture anyway! G&G gave her two books: The Secret Garden and Black Beauty. Amanda is a great reader and it is fun to see her into the chapter books that I used to love to read. She also got the High School Musical 2 board/CD game. So, we played a round of that and the kids loved dancing to the music.
Papa and Sydney and Brandon wearing 'hats' Papa, you are a good sport!
Amanda also had a great day at school/ballet and soccer as everyone sang to her and she got a special seat cover for her school chair that she said was 'comfy'.....
Amanda is having a 'Hannah Montana' friend birthday party on Friday. She has it all planned out and is really excited....I'll post pictures later.
It's hard to believe this child that made us parents is 9 years old! We love her so much and are so proud of the young lady that she is! We love you Manda Panda!


Roger Gibson said...

Wow! Look at you. Nice new extreme make-over, blog edition. Someday I will enhance mine but no time now. Happy B-day Manda!

Do anything you can afford said...

It was a fun time. Amanda is such a special girl to us. We love you all tons.
Thanks for the pumpkin. It looks nice as a cat.