When Mike was out of town last week, I thought it would be a great time to start painting our 90's bedroom furniture that will need to be lasting a little while longer. It's "beautiful" hunter green shaker style and is getting on my nerves. I want to paint it black and headed to our local paint store to pick up some BLACK paint. Now, I don't know what is so hard about getting paint BLACK, but even after 3 more tries trying to get this paint BLACK, it still came out
I told Mike I was done going to the local store. While we were out for a fun FHE (dinner and shopping... Mike had gotten a Chili's GC from someone he did taxes for and Sydney had won a Barnes & Noble GC at a contest for school), we decided to go to Lowe's and see what they could do for us.
Low and behold...BLACK!
It was a lovely experience: I asked for BLACK, the girl listened and gave me BLACK!
We also found these new knobs that were on clearance for 50 cents (others were $2+ a piece)!
I stayed up late last night painting Mike's dresser since he's feeling out of sorts with no place for his socks. Today, I ran to Home Depot and bought some stain for the top.
I'm loving the color of this stain and also the color of the BLACK!
So, Mikey should be back in business tomorrow. And tomorrow I tackle the sanding, staining and repainting of the nightstands. I hope to have those back in place in 2 days. Then, my dresser and finally next week, the bed. This little project that I gave myself 2 days to complete turned into a huge disaster! And it all started with trying to buy BLACK paint.....
they look great! You did a wonderful job.
Thanks, Kat! You are always so nice to give me encouraging comments!
I agree! They look great! Did you use a primer before? I painted some tables in our family room black. The folks at Home Depot had me put the gray colored "Grip" primer on before. Anyway, I LOVE the way they look cuz! You did a great job sanding and refinishing the top as well. You are such an industrious little thing! Love ya!
Stace-replace 'industrious' with 'stupid' and that works! I didn't prime...other than the coat of dark blue paint. I'm just ready for this project to be done. At least Mikey's socks have a home again!
That is a crazy thing that you couldn't get BLACK!!! But man, it was worth persevering because that looks soooooo good!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Jamie!
My sister and I have learned through too many experiences that a project will take at least 3-4 times the amount of time originally alotted to work on said project. I'm glad I am not the only one with looooong projects. They look great!
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