I had suggested to Mikey that we give homemade gifts to each other this year. I just thought it would be fun to switch it up a bit. Apparently, he's been on the internet looking for suggestions on what to make me. So, if you are stumped about what to give your Valentine, maybe Mikey's list will help.
When I checked e-mail this morning, this is what I found:
From Mikey:
"Found this interesting....
Things Not to Get Your Sweetie for Valentine's Day
For Him:
1. Avoid soaps, lotions, potions, anything that smells like candy.Unless it's actually candy.
2. Flowers. He just doesn't understand why you would buy him somethingthat he has to a) nurture and b) nurture. If you simply must, a cactusmight pass--but remember, he wants a gift that can take care of itself.
3. Unfun tools. Yeah, he gets it. You want him to shovel the snow. Donot buy him a shovel to drive the point home. (Large noisemaking powertools excluded.)
4. Dinner. It's a blatant cop-out. Saving him the 80 bucks does not aromantic gesture make. A gift should come in a box. (Unless it is akitty or a pup, which are other things you should not get him. See rule#2).
5. An electric razor. If he wanted one, he would have bought it forhimself (and of all the gadgets, this is not likely one he's coveting).Ask yourself: Do you want him to buy you a razor?
6. Boxer shorts. To men, they're truly utilitarian. No frills. Nostyles. (Same goes for socks.)
7. A tie. Dude, he's not your dad. So unless you plan to tie him upwith it and give him his real present, ditch the old standard"
Shortly after another e-mail arrived:
From Mikey:
"Found this on the internet too:
The Perfect Gift for Her:
1. Tickets to the big game
2. A new road bike...one that is conveniently too big for her.
3. New skis...that are conveniently too big for her."
4. New golf clubs...that are conveniently men's clubs.
5. Punch cards to Davis and Valley View golf courses.
6. Four wheeler for snow removal.
7. House cleaning supplies.
8. A trip to St. George with just her....and the kids.
9. Nintendo Wii
10. A new dog.
What do you think? Doesn't he have some great ideas? I'm wondering how he's going to handmake a Nintendo Wii..........
Oh man, that's hilarious! You'll have to let me know how the "Wii" turns out.
That is funny! Could we have Mike make us up a homemade Wii as well!?
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