Thursday, February 21, 2008

Did you feel it?

When I went to bed last night, I was a little freaked out at the color of the sky.

I know it sounds weird, but when the tornado hit a few years back, I remember distinctly the color of the sky as we were downtown where it hit.
(We, luckily, were at the food court in the basement of the mall. After lunch, we were headed to the temple for a wedding (hi Phil & Kellie!)
We came out of the mall amazed at what we saw!).

Then, when we had our own little personal funnel cloud a couple of years ago that destroyed our playhouse and picked up our big swingset and crushed the fence,
I remember the color of the sky that day.

Last night, I even commented to Mike that I was a little freaked at the sky.
Then, for a brief moment, I thought earthquake.

No, I'm not psychic! Just maybe paranoid.
But, this morning, Nevada got hit by a 6.5 earthquake!
It happened around 7:15a this morning and I was in the bathroom and could hear the door bouncing against the doorjamb. I even called out to Mike,
who is doing that?
He was in bed and could feel the bed bouncing and wondered if one of the kids had climbed in with him!

Our little Amanda is very, very concerned about earthquakes and other major weather catastrophes, but went to school, thank goodness.

It makes you think a little bit more about how prepared are we for the inevitable earthquake that will happen here. I told Mike that if he doesn't ski this weekend, let's do a little inventory on our preparedness.
Maybe letting Amanda that we are prepared for an emergency will help her feel comforted.

I know that Californians are used to these things. And I have felt at least one other earthquake in my life. We hope that everyone in the area of Nevada that was hit is fine. I just get the feeling that these are warnings or little wake-up calls, and I'd better have my head together and my emergency stuff together so I can take care of my family!


Hillary said...

How scary! That must have been some earthquake for you to be able to feel it that far away. I'm glad you guys are ok and that it wasn't anything worse.

d.r. gib said...

I was in the shower, so I didn't feel it. darin told me it shook the closet doors. We have felt a few little quakes since we have lived here, but it sounds like this was pretty big.

Makell said...

I didn't feel it either - but I got that same kind of warning thought, too. I need to translate the 72 hour kit to do item on my list to an actual kit...

Roger Gibson said...

Ditto that last paragraph! I feel for Manda. I'm the same way and now I'll need to pay more attention to the sky. There was actually a period in my life, when I was a kid, where I slept with my shoes on because I learned that an earthquake could happen anytime, even at night. It's scary to learn about these things when you're young. I hope she's doing okay.