Friday, February 15, 2008

Cookies the Brando Way

Brandon melts my heart!

I was feeling guilty cleaning the bathrooms while Brandon sat in front of the t.v. all morning (or maybe I needed an excuse to stop cleaning the bathrooms!), so we decided to make cookies! (These are the valentine cookies we were going to make last night, but I was too tired after dinner). He was so good at helping me put the ingredients in the mixer. He was a pro turning the mixer on and off for me.

Here he is smelling the yummy cookies! This is right after he tried to lick them all.

Then, he put on the sprinkles and did just the right amount!

Time for a taste!

Picking up the cookie gets your hands messy...

Here's a better solution. The problem solving of a two-year-old!
I love you, Brandon!


Staci said...

Yum! Sugar cookies are my favorite. I have eaten WAY more than my share this week! Brandon is so darn cute! Give him and the girls a squeeze for me! Did you get my message about Presidents Day on your cell? LOVE YA!

Makell said...

It scares me to try and make sugar cookies....I'm not sure why they intimidate me, but they do. I haven't had good luck with them - Got a good recipe? Better yet, can I hire you out to make them for my kids?