Below is Syd's pumpkin with our scary coffin guy. This thing scares Brandon so bad that we can't turn it on anymore.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Pumpkin Carving FHE
Below is Syd's pumpkin with our scary coffin guy. This thing scares Brandon so bad that we can't turn it on anymore.
Ari's Blessing and visit to Grandma-Great
Let's get out the yard and leaf equipment
One, two, three... jump!
Good job, Aidan and Elyse! (Two of the 5 babies all born within one year)
Issac and Sydney join the crowd
Now everyone in!
Enough jumping in the leaves, now let's throw the leaves!
Since we were in SL, we decided to visit Grandma-Great (Mike's 92 year old Grandma). She didn't want pictures, so I took a picture of B & Sydney in front of the birds! These birds keep us busy when the kids get too rowdy in Grandma's apartment. The other attraction is the elevator and since it's only a 2 story building, I let them ride all by themselves!
Back home, the kids decided to make out their Santa lists and here is Brandon scoping out the Toys R Us Thomas section. He stared at these train sets for a good half hour! And then, he carried the pages around for days!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Happy Halloween or Thanksgiving or Christmas?
More Birthday Fun
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
1. Each person list 6 facts/habits about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for the rules.
1. I have worn glasses or contacts since Kindergarten. I'm blind as a bat! It's really sad for me. I had my eye doc do a little test to see if I could get laser corrective surgery and he said my cornea is too thin, so no. (Mike still wants me to go to where his was done for an exam). It would fulfill a lifelong dream to be able to see without assistance. One of my big fears is that one of our kids will have my eye issues. I don't like to read much because it's hard to see. And, now that I'm a little older, I can't see things too close! (Don't EVEN say bifocals!)
2. I don't like cupboards left open. I did reveal this on my 50 list, so it's not really new, but it's still true.
3. I love to vacation. Not all that interesting, but it really doesn't matter where I go....just as long as I'm on vacation. Sometimes when I was working, I would take a 'day' vacation....ok, more than sometimes. I would take a 'sick & tired' day and just chill by myself. It would be nice to be able to take a 'sick & tired' today once in awhile now. I'm glad I took advantage of it then.
4. My friend, Daneise, once got me hooked on QVC and I was addicted! Seriously, they have 'solutions' to problems you never knew you had! I have weaned myself from QVC now (haven't ordered from them since we moved to Kville), but I find myself watching their Christmas product shows a lot right now. I almost broke down and ordered some lighted porch trees (battery operated-BRILLIANT!) the other day, but I held strong.
'I (used to) Q, do you?' (Hopefully, you've seen their commerical and aren't thinking I've lost it).
5. I prefer to watch movies that are comedies or romantic comedies. I don't like horror, drama, sci-fi or anything too deep. I think you watch a movie to escape everyday reality and there is too much drama and scary stuff out there in real life. One exception is 'Lord of the Rings,' which I didn't think I would like, but I really do! And 'Pirates'...but I'm not sure what category they would fit into. However, I will totally be into 'Twilight' when it becomes a movie.
6. I love my family! I love to spend time with Mike and the kids and it doesn't matter what we do. It could be going to Home Depot, boating or watching tv. I just love to be with them. I also think that my brothers are super-funny. No one gets me giggling like they do when they get on a roll. Everyone else probably thinks we're stupid, but maybe that's what's so funny!
NOW-I tag Staci, Stacie, Kellie O, Phil O, Makell, and Gaylord!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just a little thought...or two
Many homemakers find (Martha) Stewart "scary" because they know they can never measure up to her standards, says Elaine Bloom of A Place For Everything, an organizing company that offers people advice on how to get more order in their home lives. Instead, homemakers are giving up the ideal of having "the perfectly decorated home and the most beautiful cupcakes" in exchange for more time to spend with families or on other pursuits that bring them satisfaction, Bloom says.
Also, my visiting teachers were by yesterday and gave a great lesson with the focus being on the quote: "To be a righteous woman during the winding up scenes on this earth, before the second coming of our Savior, is an especially noble calling. The righteous woman's strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times. She has been placed here to help to enrich, to protect,
-which is society's basic and most noble institution. Other institutions in society may falter and even fail, but the righteous woman can help to save the home, which may be the last and only sanctuary some mortals know in the midst of storm and strife." Pres. Kimball
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pandora's Box is in my garage
So, Mikey should be back in business tomorrow. And tomorrow I tackle the sanding, staining and repainting of the nightstands. I hope to have those back in place in 2 days. Then, my dresser and finally next week, the bed. This little project that I gave myself 2 days to complete turned into a huge disaster! And it all started with trying to buy BLACK paint.....
Sing your way to a Halloween Party!
It's been one of those days, weeks, months....
Saturday, October 20, 2007
While the Dad's away, the fam will play
Anyway, after a few cute pictures with Staci, finding Tate after he got lost, and packing up all the kids in the cars, we headed to Cafe Rio for dinner. Holly had to get back home, and so Staci and I took our kids over to Target. I could buy some more jammies for B, for the ride home. He was going to be out cold after having so much fun this day. I was right! The kids loved Target, of course. They were all doing cartwheels in the aisles and showing off for the cousins.
We miss seeing these guys so much! Luckily, we'll all be in St. Gorgeous over Thanksgiving and can hook up! All of our pumpkins together! Amanda, Syd, Brandon, Mitchell, Rachel & Tate!
The littlest of our pumpkins: Brandon and Tate!
Mikey should be home tonight. So, I decided to start painting our bedroom furniture in hopes that it can last a few more years. Crazy idea! First, I didn't figure out until I had started, that I would need his muscles to get all the furniture out. I got the nightstands (of course) and his dresser (very creatively) out to the garage. Second, the paint doesn't look BLACK to me, but GRAY! It's also going to need 2 coats and I'm out of rubber gloves. So, look for the pictures and tell me what you think! I'm not going for more paint, so they better look good gray! Sometime today, the girls and I will get out of our jammies and get primped up ready for Daddy's return! Ciao!