Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sydney's first day of Kindergarten!

Last year: Preschool

This year: Kindergarten!
Brandon wanting a turn to get a first day of school picture! Well, it's sort of a first day. We went to the school for about a half hour, met the teacher, did a cute treasure hunt that took us around the new school, to the playground, through her classroom and located important things like her seat and the bathroom! Sydney's so excited and it's going to be hard to now wait a week before she really starts. She asked me if today she got to go to school without me (my heart broke a little...she's ready to go be without Mommy!) and when I told her no and she doesn't get to ride the bus yet...she was a bit disappointed. She is sitting at a table with 2 other kids she knows already from the neighborhood. Her teacher is super nice and we go tomorrow for her assessment. After 'school' we went with Rachel O and Abby to The Rock Loft and had lunch at the Bun Basket and then did some window shopping at the crafty boutique there. I was excited to go to this place as I have heard a lot about it. So, a fun first day for Sydney, too! I bought some 'First Day of School' cookies from the Bun Basket and am anxiously awaiting Amanda's return any minute now!


d.r. gib said...

I love her hair!!! and Amanda looks so grown up. Looks like they had fun.

Chris Grover said...

Such an exciting time of year for kids! School is such a BIG deal at their age! Your kids are just so dang cute!

Jamie and Family said...

love these school pics, so cute! They both look so much older than last year!