Friday, August 17, 2007

High School Musical 2!!

To say our girls have an obsession with High School Musical is an understatement. When we realized that we didn't have anything going on tonight~for the premier of High School Musical 2~ we decided to let the girls have a party! The squeeling and screams when it started were actually the cutest thing! They love it! We have Amanda's friends, Susie, Eva, Elizabeth and her cousin, Gracie. Sydney's friend, Mikaela. Amanda and Sydney decorated with red and silver balloons and set the table with HSM2 plates and cups. We made strawberry smoothies and had pizza. Popcorn, m&m's and kissables rounded out the treats. Could they be any cuter?
The show is just ending. Mike and I are in the bedroom and the girls are in the family room. As soon as Troy and Gabriella kiss, we hear the screaming and squeeling again! Hilarious!


d.r. gib said...

i have it dvr'd so i can watch it when Darin is not home! Don't tell me what happens!hahaha

Jamie and Family said...

Love it, we did the same thing!! It's fun to see them so excited!!!!