Friday, August 3, 2007

Deep Thoughts....

Anyone remember that segment from Saturday Night Live called 'Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy'.....

So, I have been thinking deeply (I know, it hurt a little) this week about something 2 of my friends told me about their husbands. I made dinner for one friend Monday night who has been battling kidney stones and dinner for another friend on Tuesday night because her daughter had her tonsils out. Each of these friends told me that their husbands always get mad when they are the ones taking dinner to others. They can't understand the need and think it's a waste of money (both families are very capable of giving someone a wouldn't hurt financially at all). One gal told me that her in her husband's family they were never service-oriented and it was always 'look out for number one' She struggles to show her children how to be service-oriented, without much help from her husband. She also has to try to teach him this value. He's a grown man!

Well, the kidney stone friend said that her husband now gets how great it is to have a hot, homemade meal brought in when you are struggling. She had been very ill for at least a week and he had major issues at his work and to come home and have this minor, but major thing provided for him, touched his heart.

I told Mike that I was so grateful for my parents and his parents instilling in us when we were very young the value of service and being examples of service even to this day. I love that we don't even think about the sacrifice part of service, just how can we help someone out. As a parent, I cringe at the thought of teaching my children the lesson of being selfish. That comes so naturally, and we are to tame the natural instincts to become more Christlike. I was always witnessing my parents giving service to others....and without recognition. As well as Mike's parents. How blessed are we? And now I realize even more the importance of being a good example in this regard. How simple a concept, but how lasting are its affects.


Hillary said...

You know, when I read this I was really sad for those two families. I have gained an even great appreciation for service (especially meals)ever since Emma was born and then with the appendectomy. We had so many people ready and willing to help out with meals and with the girls that I was (and still am) just so overwhelmed by the generosity. Luckily Steve feels the same way and we are always offering to help out with others where we can because we have been so blessed!

Jamie and Family said...

First of all, I absolutely LOVE deep thoughts by Jack Handy. I laugh just thinking of them!!

And second, I totally agree with you. i want service to be second-nature to my kids. Thanks for the stories!


Do anything you can afford said...

Thank you for rewarding your parents by your example. When service is second nature, you are always the one blessed. I know your children recognize that you are a good example of service