Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Snow Horse Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

"Snow Horse Elementary School, Together we will rise above the rest!" Ok, so I know my girl's school song better than I knew my school song! Perhaps, because they had to practice to sing in this choir for the ribbon cutting ceremony. You can see Amanda above the man with the green shirt and you can see Sydney in the front row by the girl with the blue bows. The ceremony was held in the front west side of the school at 6pm at night. It was 96 degrees still and we were MELTING! The girls sang great and the choir sounded awesome. Then, after many shortish speeches, a couple of horses came to bring the ceremonial scissors to cut the ribbon. It was fun to have the girls involved. After this little program, the teachers held back-to-school night. This is usually held without students, but of course no one was going take their kids home and come back. Mike and I divided and conquered since we now have 2 kids in school. We like their teachers and the girls are anxious to get going in the school year. Sydney did her testing today and knew everything her teacher asked her. Hope she finds something to do in Kindergarten!
Soon after, we left for our Arvy family reunion in West Yellowstone....more on that to follow!

1 comment:

d.r. gib said...

That looks like a nice new school. they will have so much fun!