We had our annual Labor Day trip with the Arvy's this past weekend. What a great time we had. These are times that I wish that inner poet or eloquent writer would surface so I could do justice to our experience. But, you'll just have to deal with what you get.
We left after the school open house and didn't get to W. Y. until after midnight. When we got up the next morning, it was raining! But, it was a nice rain....and made the town look even more beautiful. We went right into Yellowstone Park to start exploring. Our first adventure was this elk that was grazing right next to the road! We had to stop and take pictures.
Kristine's boys checking out madam elk.
Then, on to Gibbon Falls (I probably remembered that name wrong). What an amazing sight.
Then to see some cool geysers and paint pots.
Oh! There he is! With Brock, Andrew, Kris and Daddy.
Kellie and Emily
I was amazed as we drove into the park this day at the beauty. It was a little foggy and earlier than we had been there the day before. As we past the area around Bald Eagle Mtn, the sunlight shone through the majestic Lodgepole Pines (my fav trees) and you could see glistening spiderwebs on the branches. I'm talking a ton of spiderwebs! It was an incredible sight and I was sad that we weren't allowed to stop along that part of the highway because it would be nice to capture that in a picture. We saw many buffalo and elk. We were able to stop and have a picnic lunch with the whole family that was a lot of fun. The kids ran around and played to their hearts content.
Can I tell you how much I love my family!?!?!?
We were able to go to the Playmill theater and see Annie Get your Gun. The girls really liked that and keep repeating their favorite parts. Sunday, we went to church and were pleasantly surprised to see Elder Wirthlin in the meeting! He bore his testimony and it was so simple in its truthfulness that Mike and I were touched. We took the kids up to shake his hand after and tried to tell them they may never get to shake an apostle's hand again...this is a big deal! I was also touched throughout that testimony meeting with some of the testimonies given. We are all God's children and are experiencing similiar things. It was heart-warming to hear Ray Ray tell us how he used to come to the door with beer and cig in hand when his home teacher came over so he would know he wasn't welcome and to hear the break in his voice as he told us of his change of heart and how he was just called to be High Priest group leader. My favorite part was when Elder Wirthlin said we have gathered together to be counted with those who love the Savior.
After church, we took a ride into Yellowstone one more time. Our favorite part about this day was the buffalo that was walking along the side of the road as we came by. We slowed to get a good look and Sydney said she could almost reach out and touch him! We also saw a coyote and a bull elk pretty close as he was hanging out near a campground. It was fun to experience the kids seeing the wildlife. I really enjoyed this vacation. I love, love, love to spend time with my little family without any of life's normal interruptions. Being with them gives me pure Joy.
We had a great family meeting on Sunday. We are grateful for Jim & Renae giving us the opportunity to be together as a family. It was so great to be with those that live back east and to see their new babies. Monday morning, we all went to the IMAX and saw "Yellowstone" and then we were on our way home....mourning the passing of our vacation. We stopped in Rexburg and drove by the new temple. Also, a quick bite with the family and we were homeward bound!
It looks like you had a wonderful time. Zach likes the pictures of the buffalo and elks.
We thought this would be a fun vacation for the Gib's sometime. What do you think?
What a fun time, I'm so glad we made it! Sorry we snuck out on you on Sunday.
My kids love seeing wildlife also. What a great way to end the summer. We would love to go to Yellowstone since we haven't been there yet with our little family.
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