Snowbunny, Sydney on her first day skiing!

Since Amanda is completely loving her ski school, Sydney decided she wanted to go (that or the fact her current crush, Justin, is also taking ski lessons). So, Mike took her up yesterday (Saturday) and put her in the beginner class. First, she had a meltdown. This is pretty typical Sydney. You have to talk her down from her hysteria and tell her it's her last chance to go. Most people say, you should just leave her (at ski lessons, school, dance or getting her ears pierced), but that does not work with this child. The trick is having patience long enough to get her to go and 'try' the new thing. Anyway, Mike got her to stay in the class and guess what? SHE LOVED IT! We always knew she would be able to do it. She's very coordinated and athletic, it's just whether she WILL do it. Mike stayed and watched her today instead of skiing with his buddies and he said she was the best skier in her class! He was really impressed! Sydney even went on a lift today!


French fries......

Amanda is loving skiing! We tell her it's because she has Norwegian blood on both sides! She loves the story that her great-grandfather was in the first group of Norwegian skiers, which included Alf Engen, that brought skiing to Utah. Anyway, when her lesson was over, she and her friend wanted to ski more and so Mike let them up on the lift a couple more times by themselves! Then, her friend was tired and Amanda wanted to go again, so she did all by herself! She like to go in the trees and do jumps. I told her I always liked that, too. The funny part is that Mike doesn't like to ski in the trees and he is an awesome skier!

Our sledding dog. He was actually trying to stay 'afloat' since the snow is so deep!
Even though they were tired when they got home, they wanted to go sledding. We live in the flatlands and so we decided to build a little hill in the backyard! This was fun for awhile and then we decided to get their skis on and let them practice their balancing. This went on for a good long time until I got tired of 'helping' them up the ski hill (helping means lifting or pushing them up!).

We had a great time until Sydney lost it. I forget that if she doesn't eat at regular intervals, she gets crazy. She was throwing the biggest fit that I was sure the neighbors would call the cops. When we figured out the problem, we all came in to warm up and get some food in Sydney.
I was really grateful for the time to spend with the girls just playing. It seems I'm the one that has to keep the schedules going, nag them to get their chores done, get dressed, feed the dog, etc. that sometimes I forget to just play. Even though the dry cleaning didn't get picked up, dinner didn't get made, the dishes weren't done and Brandon didn't get a nap until 4pm, it was worth every minute! I love you, girlies
On another note, I played the piano in Sacrament meeting today! This is the first solo I have done in probably 20 years! I was really nervous and shaky, but I made it through and I was grateful for the members that sought me out to thank me for playing. I was so nervous about this today, that when I was passing the water tray back to the Deacon, I hit the bench in front of me and spilled a bunch of water in the aisle! What a day! I'm just glad it's done!
One more note, my friend, Sharon's mom died this week. I was fortunate to be able to go to the funeral and hear her speak (thanks to Elise for tending Brandon). Then, the Jeni's and I were also fortunate to take she and her family dinner today. I was grateful for the fact that I felt we were doing something useful and helpful for them. They are such wonderful people and are raising such great boys! I feel grateful today for getting to have her as my friend.
Way to go skiiers!!! How fun, I miss skiing. And just so you know (Steve can confirm this) I go crazy too if I don't eat at regular intervals. He knows that when I'm starvin and it's time to eat-it's not time to joke around, just get me some food!
The thought about forgetting to play with the kids - I've been thinking the same thing lately. Like, I am totally missing this - NOW is the time to get out and play - not when everything is done. It's good to here other mom's with the same issues -
btw - We want to take the kids out skiing over MLK weekend - our kids are out this Fri and Mon/Tues of next week- what is your schedule??
Some of my favorite winter memories are when we would go out and build a snowman. I remember a couple of very small snowmen that you and Dan made and sat on the porch. I'm glad to hear you realize it is important to just play. Dr. Lloyd, our pediatrition, had a 'sampler' in his office (I wish I could remember the exact words) that said something like the dustballs under the beds can wait while I rock my baby. I told Dan the other day as I sensed frustration in his demeanor that "this too shall pass - I know it doesn't help, but pretty soon, you will turn around and be 65 and have 14 grandkids and wonder where the time has gone."
wow, that is great. I really want our girls to ski.
And by the way, I totally get your technique with Sydney. Same as my second.
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