Get the right song.....

Brandon decided it would be fun to play with the games in the game cupboard today. He pulled out Perfection and was pretty good at matching the shapes and loved when it 'popped'! We played Connect 4 and then he pulled out the High School Musical Dance Mat....my favorite! He loves the basketball song (Getcha Head in the Game) and was showing me his moves (which included bouncing an air basketball!) He is so much fun!

Also, my possessed washing machine and dryer are history! I was having a conversation with my Dad awhile ago while watching some show. Someone on the show was freaking out about getting new appliances and he said he just couldn't understand that. But, I told him I would feel that excited about a new washer and dryer!
I'm doin' the happy dance!
(I'm a true housewife now, huh!)

Aren't they pretty? Thanks, honey!
Awesome washer and dryer, those things look like they're industrial strength or something. Sounds like you had a fun day with Brandon too!
I've also done the happy housewife dance before - it was when our old washer and dryer finally died and we went and got the LG's. You will LOOOOVVVVEEEE (that's love) them!! It is pretty odd, but I actually enjoy doing laundry and the loads are so much bigger that it seems like you are doing less. Who knew we could be so happy for such a mundane task! Enjoy them - I love the silver - so sassy!
BTW - Brandon is pretty cute, too!Don't you just love little boys:)
SWEEET laundry rigs cuz!! And Brandon looks adorable! Tate knows that whole song. He walks around "getcha getcha getcha head in the game!" Every time he sees a basketball hoop he says "SHOOT HOOPS!" The first time he noticed them in the overflow at church he bellowed it out REALLY loud! It was pretty funny! We need to have Brandon over sometime to shoot hoops with him! Love you guys!
those machines are awesome--I agree with hill, you could wash anything in them it looks like. Plus love the storage underneath. And less water needed--cool. Bubba is so cute, Zach would love that dance mat.
Oh I am green with envy! Those are beautiful!! That might be enough to make me WANT to do laundry every once in awhile! And I love the dance mat too!!
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