The girls had their musical performance last Saturday. They did Seuess! by their director, Corrie. It was so cute and the girls did a wonderful job! Amanda was a Cat in the Hat narrator and delivered her lines beautifully! We were so proud of her. She had a lot to memorize and we didn't get to help her much. Sydney was very cute as a Who and a Sneetch.
We had great family and friend support and are grateful to all that could come on Saturday to support our girls. The grandparents, Rachel O & her girls, Holly H and her kids, Rog & Coze, and Syd's friend, Hannah, all came for the matinee. Sydney's friend, Justin, came for the night performance and after we shared shakes at 'Jakes'.
The girls together...Amanda in the green sunglasses and Sydney kneeling in front of her.
My camera's battery went dead and so I didn't get great pictures, but you get the gist of it! We are proud of you, girls!
The whole cast!
Amanda looks cool with her tall hat and green glasses. They looked wonderful in their costumes and I bet they did a great job in their musical perfomance. Way to go girls...
Who do they take singing from? I'm wondering if it is the same Corrie that is up in my parents neighborhood..
Makell, Corrie just lives west of the Mill.
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