Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sydney's first day of Kindergarten!
Amanda's First Day of School!
Last Year: 2nd grade
This year! 3rd Grade~look how much she's grown!
The entire family took her over to school this morning. I love how Mikey will do anything for his girls. They really wanted him to be there for their first day. It probably would have been easier to walk because there were roads closed and a million cars going to the school this morning. The only thing that doesn't look like it got done is the tables. That will make a memorable first day.
We love you Amanda Mae!
It's finally here! Amanda's first day of 3rd grade in her brand new school! She and the other two kids were up early, got all their chores done and were ready for school with a half hour to spare. If only every day could be this exciting!
We took Amanda into her classroom. She is in the Canyons pod in the school. Her teacher asked her name and said, 'oh, I know you'...this is because I met her teacher at the PTA/Teacher lunch. I think that made Amanda feel more comfortable. She found her desk and although the excitement isn't showing on her face in this picture, I think she was ready. Short day today and all week....just to ease them in, I guess.
We love you Amanda Mae!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Who's that girl?
Sydney got her haircut! She has been wanting to cut it and donate it to Locks of Love ever since Amanda did it at the first of the year. Her hair had been getting so long that there was drama whenever I would brush it, so we thought it was a good time to chop it off! She looks so cute! What a fun new haircut to start school! Our friend, Nicole, does our hair and always does a great job.
Also, for FHE last night we continued a tradition from my family and from Mike's family and he gave the girls blessings to start the new school year. The blessings were the sweetest and when Sydney's was done, she said that was making her cry! Mom, looks like she inherited the bawling genes. I was of course crying. I know because our girls were blessed with such wonderful things to start the school year that they will be great students and we will be able to handle any challenges that come our way. And I am so grateful that my husband holds the priesthood and can use it to bless our family.
Come In!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
1st Fathers & Sons = Girl's night out!
Abby, Amanda, Maddy, Sydney and Lucy at the Gateway
Since the boys were gone, the girls got to play! We were going out with Nicole F. and Zoe, but at the last minute her plans changed. I told the girls we would still go to dinner and go shop for a new shirt or two for the first day of school.
Then, we got invited to join Rachel O and Melanie L and their girls at The Dodo....and we couldn't resist! We had a fun dinner...the little girls were in heaven hanging out with their friends. We decided to hit Old Navy to find some shirts. We all found some cute cute things, including matching jammy bottoms for Amanda and Maddy L. Then, the girls decided to have a HSM2 encore showing with these friends, since they were out of town for our last party. On our way to the cars, the four girls walked up ahead of us and kept singing 'Fabulous' from HSM2. People would laugh out loud at this cute group of girls. They were so fun to watch and I'm glad they aren't shy.
Party at our house! They had to hang in our room because that's where the dvr is...they did enjoy that! At about 11:30pm, I had to call the party...I was tired! The girls could have gone on forever!
Parking Garage
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Big Wednesday!
We started our day by going to the zoo with Kat & her kids and Hillary and Abi. Grandma Renae kept LuLu for Hillary. We had a great time! The animals were fairly active today. One leopard paced in front of a viewing window right in front of the kids. Amanda got face to face with the big cat and that scared Sydney. Brando just followed along with the kids when they started screaming. Riding the train was also a highlight. We let the kids play at the zoo playground while Kat fed Makayla.
Playing on the playground! Below with Amanda: Hillary and AbiThen, BIG NEWS...we have a new cousin/niece! Aurora or Ari for short, was born yesterday evening in a big hurry. When Stacie & Danny arrived at the hospital, the nurses put Stacie in a prep room and sent her into the bathroom for a 'sample'...well, instead of a sample, they got a baby! Luckily, Danny was there to catch the little cutie and between Danny and a bunch of nurses, Ari arrived safely! We stopped by to see her (and her parents) before heading home. She is adorable! Tiny, tiny.....we are so happy she is here!
On the way home, Mike called and he is going to stay in Denver one more night. Things are too crazy at their office over there and 2 days wasn't enough time to finish. The kids and I hate it when he's gone. I'm so glad he doesn't have a majority traveling job. We did that once and hated it. I think I'll take a few days every few months. But, we still miss him!
Last night, I took the girls over to their new school to see the class lists. This new school is so exciting! It's beautiful! Sydney was seeming a little nervous, so she and I had a good talk, looked through the windows into her classroom and checked out the playground (imported from Sweden and unlike anything I've seen before...I'll have to post a picture in the future). She told me she felt better about going to school and was just a little worried about bullies, so we talked about that. I'm so glad that Amanda and Sydney are both on the same side of the school. The school has open 'pods' with classrooms off the common areas. So, out of 3 pods or halls, they ended up in the same pod. I've been so impressed with our new principal, also. Her enthusiasm is contagious! One week to go!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Doesn't get any better than this!
Brandon saying "Hurry Mommy, I'm hungry!"

PS: I'm still having cold cereal!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Our King of Confections!
Saturday night was our ward picnic that Mike and I were in charge of. The weather was threatening all day, but I just asked the Heavens for nice weather between 5pm and 8pm. This party would have been a disaster if we had to move it to the church! We had it at a park and had some great food and had a great turn-out! Mike and I are glad it's over and were feeling pretty tired on Sunday....the after-party tired.
Mikey in his crowing glory and golden staff!
Our entertainment for the evening was a Men-Only Dessert Contest. Any man or young man could enter and the creations were judged that night by a few women in the ward. Each dessert was given a number so the contestants would remain unknown. Well, Mikey won Best Original Creation! He made Spuds that his Mom makes...a yummy frozen treat made of hersey bars, cool whip and rolled in Nilla wafers and almonds. We were so proud! Chad B. won best presentation for his Michigan cake and Don C. won Best overall for his ice cream creation.
About 7:30 the lightening started and by 8pm it was pouring rain! Party over! The rain made it possible for us to drive to SL to attend Zac G.'s wedding reception! So, things worked out perfectly for us!
Little LuLu's blessing
Ok, I like to call her LuLu (I'm sure Steve & Hill will be surprised to hear that), but we attended Emma's blessing yesterday at Hillary's parent's home. I LOVE when babies are blessed at home. Stevie did a nice job and Gary & Barb were such great hosts that no one left for hours afterward! Sydney loves to hold babies and here she is with Makayla.
Brandon and Zach chillin' at the kid table.
We got a phone call on the way home that our neighbors had found Mater in their house! We finally have our gate up and so he's been free to roam the backyard. Well, that's not good enough and he dug a hole under the fence and went looking for trouble. Thank goodness (or not) that Madie M. found him and contacted us. Mater's not winning any points with us for many infractions right now.
Also, today I had an urge to make freezer jam. Go figure. So, I whipped up a batch of strawberry. I have given some to my friend, Elise, and also plan to give some to new neighbors, so I hope it tastes good! I was watching Barefoot Contessa last week and she made strawberry jam...that's probably why I thought I needed to make some. I like to think I could be a good cook. My house was also unusually quiet today. Both girls were outside playing (I think it's cooler weather today) and Brandon was playing with them until naptime! I have just a few piano students today, so with my extra time.....I ironed! I'm all caught up until I do laundry tomorrow!
Friday, August 17, 2007
High School Musical 2!!
The show is just ending. Mike and I are in the bedroom and the girls are in the family room. As soon as Troy and Gabriella kiss, we hear the screaming and squeeling again! Hilarious!
Could it be the last time?
Everyone was able to get a some good ski runs in. Amanda even skied for a lot longer! We were so proud of her. Thanks to Grandma for taking pictures as I was stuck on the shore. Mike and Amanda helped Jace get up skiing, too! The girls had a great time telling me about Grandpa skiing and knee-boarding. They kept telling me about his cool 360's.
Hillary, Abi, Brandon and I had a good time playing on the beach and in the water. The kids would run out and plop down on their bums laughing! We knew that we had had too much fun when Steven came down with heat stroke! He was sick enough to call it a day. So, Hillary loaded up their cute little girls (we had fun meeting Emma! What a doll! Pictures to come eventually as my camera was with Grandma). Brock got a fat lip and a cut from his last ski and Brandon has a red mark from getting bumped by the knee-board. We came home happy, but very tired!
We were sad to think that this might be our last boat trip this season. Mike has to be out of town on business next week and the girls start school on the 29th. We may sneak one more in if we are lucky, but are grateful to have been able to spend so much time boating this year and we are thrilled that Amanda can ski!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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