Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh my

Dearest Max,
One of our darling children left MY camera on the patio table accidently. When I asked where it was, a shear look of terror crossed this child's face as she/he ran to the backyard to find my camera that was used as a chew toy.
He ate the memory card, tore the battery out, broke the door loss.....
It's kind of how our luck is going right now. Add a new camera to the list of things that have been broken and need replacing......maybe it's karma....I would hope we would have had some good karma??? :)
I am using Amanda's camera for now and as soon as I learn how to download, I'll post the pictures from the girl's first day of school!!!!!

1 comment:

Makell said...

Bad Dog Max! It's a good thing he's cute, too!! Sorry about your camera...I'm sending you some good Karma right now. Watch for it!! :)