Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Night terrors or night giggles?

You have heard of night terrors, right? Where a child wakes up and screams or cries and they aren't really awake....and you can't wake them up?

Well, when Brando is really, really tired, he gets a form of night terrors. First, he wakes up and cries, but you can hug him and get him to lay back down. As soon as he settles, he gets the giggles! He giggles for like 10 minutes and then goes back to sleep. What a funny way his body has to relieve the stress....

He did this again tonight. Our kids, like many kids in the summer, haven't been to bed before 11pm most nights...all summer. I used to be such a stickler with bedtimes. Mikey is in Denver for a couple of days, so I decided I would keep the kids in the house after dinner and put them to bed earlier.

Well, they went out again after dinner, but only for about a half hour and then I made them come back in. Brandon was so mad and fussed and cried and didn't want to go to bed. He was like this all day long actually. I've been waiting for bedtime since about 9am.

I stood firm and got he and Sydney into bed just before 8:30pm. He was asleep in minutes. Sydney, not so much, but I didn't expect her to go right to sleep. Amanda got home from her dance class and was in bed by 9:30p. Success!

Brandon woke up and had one of his 'episodes' just a few minutes ago. So strange! I just hope that he sleeps through the night and I don't end up with one of the kids in the bed with me tonight!

Summer is almost over and it's gone by soooo fast this year! I'm torn between wanting more summer freedom and having the kids home with me....and getting ourselves into a routine with a good bedtime schedule! Unfortunately or Fortunately, I don't have a choice. Summer is almost gone......

1 comment:

Makell said...

What a funny kid! I am so glad to hear another mom say that their kids haven't been to bed before 11. Makes me feel better!~