Our dear Mikey turns 39 today!
Do you think I can make 39 statements about the love my life? Let's see...
1. He never lets me forget that I'm older than he is (it's an insignificant amount-not even a full year!) 2. He is a hard worker-both at his job and anything he does around the house
3. He likes to be going, going, going-we don't relax on vacation....we go see stuff and do things
5. He loves his Caddy-even though all his Caddy peers are old guys
6. He loves us!
7. He has a big heart. When he sees someone in need, he acts.
10. He is very loyal
12. He fulfills his church responsibilites and honors his priesthood
14. He's fearless....always ready to try something new
15. He's always reading books
16. He's very book smart (see #15), but is very street smart, too
17. He's great with directions....we don't ever get lost (he's a human GPS)
19. He has a testimony of the gospel
21. He's awesome at sports: biking, running, water skiing, snow skiing ... anything he puts his mind to, he does
23. He loves to take us boating
24. He's very patient
25. He doesn't swear ever....really
26. He is an amazing Dad

27. He's a great friend
28. He likes tradition and making memories for our children
29. He's very, very handsome!
30. He supports me in whatever I want to do
31. He has a great sense of humor
32. He writes me the greatest love notes

33. He is really good at present giving. He really thinks it through to make sure the recipent will like the gift
34. He knows Steve is gay (just because I know Steven is going to write something mean in the comments!)
35. He's understanding of me
36. He is a night owl
37. He still enjoys a good nap
38. He doesn't give himself enough credit
39. He loves me and he is my best friend!
Happy Birthday, babe! I love you, forever!
What a guy!! Happy Bday!
Did Mike tell you how Steve wished him a happy birthday? He texted Mike "Happy BirthGay!!!" so I guess they're even...those two I tell ya!
Great post!
Happy Birthday to our favorite son-in-law!!! We hope you had a great day. It's nice to read all about your great qualities, especially the ones about how you love our special daughter!!!
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